Chapter 16

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I apologize for the ridiculously long wait for this update. I needed to take a break from writing for a little bit. But it's back, and coming at you in full force! 🖤

I did a little bit of fun history about volterra. Did you guys know that the first known witch lived there?? Now, the history that I use in this story obviously isn't true, but I thought it was a neat fact to learn!

WARNING : there will be a hefty amount of violence in this chapter... and other things ;)


Each step echoed throughout the lonely dark streets of Volterra. Aro glided down each path, waiting for the bastard to show his face.

Admittedly, this was a hard decision to make. There was a 50/50 shot that he would live.

It's pathetic, really.

He's lived for thousands of years, and the idea of death still scares him. Especially by a man who has repeatedly tormented the castle; his daughter.


It's almost laughable. Never in his years did he think he would become a father. And he didn't know about her until the very end.

In all reality, there was a huge chance that this plan wouldn't even work. He had to be gone long enough; alive long enough, for this to work. And something told him, Tobias wasn't exactly eager to let him live for long.

So there he was, idly walking, walking, till he no longer was.

"You were a fool to leave the castle."

It had been hours since the discovery of the letter. Hours since the entirety of the castle began searching the city. Hours since she felt every last one of her nerves on edge.

Demetri stayed with Caius, Luna, and Marcus, watching for any signs of Tobias' scent. Luna knew he could only cloak them for so long. Eventually, his scent would have to come out of the shadows.

On a different day, she would find it funny that his gift was so cowardly. To hide oneself. Pathetic.

The rest of the guard were searching the streets. Aro has quite the following.

Oddly enough, Caius was calm. Maybe it was because Luna was next to him, or maybe he knew that his erratic behavior wouldn't exactly help in this situation. Either way, his calmness washed over her. And it was helping.

"You're doing that on purpose, aren't you?" Caius looked down at her with a confused expression. "Doing what on purpose?"

Luna gave a small, wavering smile, continuing to look down at her feet. "Being calm. You know that because we are bonded, we feel each other's emotions. Like a chain reaction. You're doing it on purpose," she pauses to look up at him. "Aren't you?"

He has a devious glint in his eyes, "Is it working?"

Luna knew she was right, but him admitting it brought an entire warming feeling to her chest. "Thank you," she whispers as she walked closer to him, their arms brushing with each step. "Anything for you, my little hybrid."

"And thank god for it. We were all getting a little tired of his grumpy attitude," Demetri laughed out, interrupting their second long moment. "Are you forgetting who you're talking to?", Caius growled.

"Demetri, must you rile up the one person we actually need level headed?" Marcus' words came out quiet, patient, and slightly annoyed.

Even in a moment like this, they were all able to have a small chuckle before everything spiraled out of control.

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