Chapter 11

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Guys, I am not fluent in any languages other than English. I know that Caius is from Greece, but I chose to not text out multiple different things in a different language. So... let's just use our imaginations? 😂 I hope you enjoy! This one is a little rough on the edges.

                         Greece, 1300 BC

"Get up, boy!"

The slashes whipped across his body, leaving open wounds on his back. "Please, father. I only meant to help!"

Another hit tore open his flesh, making him scream out in agony. He had tried to assist a young commoner with his wagon. The man was old, and he had clearly needed some assistance.

Unfortunately for Caius, his father wasn't lenient, and thought only the weak help those below.

Therefor, the slashes kept on and kept on.

By the time it was over, his back was covered in blood, cuts, and dirt. The tears had dried on his cheeks. His entire body shook and ached as he attempted to stand, but failing nearly instantly.

He heard the echoes of his fathers footsteps leave the room, finally having a moment to get his thoughts together. "One day," he whispered to himself as he curled into a ball, quietly whimpering until he fell asleep.


"Search the entirety of Volterra! We will tear this city apart!"

The kings and guard were frantic, searching every last inch of the city. This has meant war.

Caius and Aro had set off into the sunset with the guard, tracking her scent to a small walkway among the tall buildings. "This is where her scent ends," Demetri lowly mumbled as he looked over their surroundings. "This doesn't make sense! We should have found her by now! Where the hell did she go?!"

Luna felt hazy. Drugged? She wasn't familiar with the feeling as she attempted to widen her eyes.

Finally being able to focus on the world around her, she sought out ways to get out of the situation she managed to put herself into. She was now under the care of Tobias. The psychotic bastard who seemed to be keen on making her life a living hell.

As focus came in, she realized that she felt heavy metal on her wrists, legs, abdomen.

She was fucking chained down.


"You won't be able to leave."

Her head whipped up towards the direction of the gruff voice, recognizing the presence immediately. "You have been injected with Wolfsbane."

Luna's brain tried to focus on his echoing words, her vision becoming clear. "Wolfsbane?"

She knew the term, only heard of it in folklore. But the problem was that she wasn't raised with the wolves. So if there were some sort of secret ways to weaken her, she didn't know of it.

"It's pathetic that you don't know of the very substance that weakens you," his steps slowly inched towards her, his tall figure towering over her chained down body. "Your mother was smarter. Although, she was also easy to manipulate and overpower."

His maniacal grin and words set her off. "Shut up! Don't you dare speak about my mother that way!"

Making a fake pouting face, he lowers his head to her level. "Don't worry, sweetheart. Your slut of a mom got what she deserved." Luna opened her mouth to protest, only to feel a certain plant get shoved down her throat.

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