Chapter 9

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This chapter is a tad bit intense on almost all levels. I hope it's to everyone's liking!

Also, I have yet to proofread it. So hopefully, there aren't too many mistakes. Enjoy! 🖤

It had been a long day.

After finding Luna in the woods, things had changed. Yes, she let him carry her back to Volterra. Yes, she felt that unease in her chest disappear the moment he was with her. But she hadn't spoken since they got back.

Locked in her original room, not speaking a word.

"Tobias," Caius angrily spoke to his brothers. "That's the arrogant little shits name."

"Ah. That's good, fratello. We are one step closer."

It angered him how Aro was always so... calm and cheeky. This man was hunting down Luna, and also risking exposure.

In Caius' book, those are the two top things to not fuck with. "Why is it taking so long? We should've found him by now! We have an elite guard that has managed to not find a supposed newborn!"

Aro hastily stands from his throne, taking a few steps towards the pacing vampire. "Caius, we no nothing about this... man. He's capable of more than just being a newborn. No one can just kill an entire pack of wolves. There's something we don't know yet-,"

Caius growls in response, his self control wavering. Aro quickly continues, "But, we will find him. She will be safe."

Feeling his entire body shaking with fury, he slams his fist against the desk, making it crumble. "Non I mobili," Aro whimpers.
(Not the furniture)

"fanculo i tuoi mobili."
(Fuck your furniture)

As Caius storms out of the throne room, Marcus sighs. "She is his mate, brother. Not only that, but they very recently bonded. You can't expect him to act any less than he is." Marcus pauses to gauge Aro's reaction. "We would've reacted the same, if not worse."

Demetri walks through the doors with a vacant expression, a box in hand. "Masters,"

"Have you found the abomination?" Aro interjects.

"Not exactly."

Luna lays curled in a small ball, her thoughts sporadic.

Why was he after her? Why did he kill the entire pack? Why was he killing others? It didn't make sense.

And no matter how many times she repeated the same questions in her head, the answers never came.

After what felt like an eternity of overthinking, she hears a knock at the door.

Luna couldn't find the words to respond, or even turn her body towards the door. She stayed frozen in place, not making a sound.

Although, that obviously didn't stop him.


His words. His voice. It was unnatural how calming it was to her.

But it didn't make her paralyzed body move.

"I am doing everything I can-,"

"You should've told me," she interrupts, disappointment dripping from her tongue. "I know. But you have to understand. I'm not... used to having to give information. And in my mind, I truly thought I was protecting you."

Caius was practically tripping over his words, so foreign to his language. He never gave excuses or reasons for his actions.

All he wanted to do was hold her. Feel her body against his.

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