Chapter 3

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By the time she had ran and locked herself into her room, she had crumpled to the floor, trying to get her thoughts together.

His eyes, touch, words... she couldn't stop thinking about any of it.

It had to be the mating bond, right? It wasn't real. There was no way that she had started liking the angry blonde king whom she had just met a day ago. This isn't happening.

While she was having issues with the feelings running through her, Caius was also conflicted right down the hall.


Shards of wood flew into the air as he destroyed the furniture in his room. He didn't understand what the hell was wrong with him.

It wasn't the upcoming feelings he had begun to experience that angered him. It was what he wanted to do. What he almost did.

He wanted to bite her.

Not to drink from her. No. He wanted to mark her. He wanted to claim possession and put his bite on her neck for everyone to see. The mating bond ached for him to do so. He could feel it in his fangs. He himself, began to burn for her. And he wondered if she felt the same.

"Fratello! What on earth!"

Aro bursted into Caius' room to find what all of the noise was coming from. "Stop destroying the castle! We've had these furnishings for centuries."

"Really, Aro? That's what you care about?"

He took an unnecessary breath and placed his hand to Caius' shoulder. "Brother, you need to accept who she is to you. It's only been a day, and look at you. You're already feeling the affects of the mating bond."

But as he spoke, his touch was able to see every little thing going on in the troubled kings mind.

"You almost bit her?"

His eyes went black with anger, shoving Aro's hand off of his shoulder. "Stay out of my head."

"Stop being so stubborn, Caius. If you want her now, in a week, you'll only want her more-,"

"Quiet! Her hearing is no different than ours. What if she's listening?"

And sure enough, she was.

He wanted her? And what the hell did Aro mean by Caius wanting to bite her?

She needed answers, and she needed them now.

Luna tried to quietly leave her room, even though she knew it was pointless and they could hear her.

She set out to find Marcus, who seemed to be the most level headed out of the kings.

Walking to the library, she suspected him to be hiding in there. "Marcus?", she calls out, her voice bouncing off the walls of books surrounding her.

"Yes, Luna?" He appeared from behind a desk, a large book balancing in his hand. "I have a question, and I was hoping you could help me with it."

The sad smile held onto his face while he gestured for her to sit down. "Of course. What is it I can help you with?"

Luna took a seat across from him, gnawing at her bottom lip. "I overheard Aro and Caius speaking a little bit ago. Although I know that is wrong, I couldn't help but be curious about what was said."

Marcus nodded his head for her to continue. "Aro mentioned something about Caius wanting to bite me? Isn't that... a bad thing?"

His brows raise at her question, "Ah. I see. You definitely weren't supposed to hear about that."

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