Chapter 1

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"Have you ever heard of a true mate?"

A true mate? What the hell is that supposed to mean? "Not exactly. Is it similar to a soulmate?"

"Precisely! It's the same concept, but with the supernatural world. Vampires have mates, which I'm sure you're aware of," Aro trails off.

Luna, for some reason, looks over to make eye contact with Caius. Instinct, she guessed. But the expression he showed didn't exactly ease her nerves. "Umm. No, I'm not aware of any of it."

She looked down at her fidgeting fingers, nervous about the red eyes that filled the room, staring at her.

"Ah, I see. Well, we can go over that for-,"

"Enough! I will not stand for this any longer. I will not have this... thing as my mate!" His voice roared throughout the room.

His words made her blood boil, not quite realizing the "mate" part. "What the hell is your problem?"

Luna stood from the bed she had been placed on, stalking over to the angry blonde male in front of her. "You don't know me, we don't know each other! Which gives zero reason as to why you are treating me this way!"

They were standing inches from each other, Luna and Caius' bodies both trembling with fury. "You insolent little-,"

"Caius! That's enough. Leave us, before you regret your next actions."

Caius opened and closed his mouth again, still staring at the defiant young woman in front of him.

He wanted so badly to protest, but chose to speed out of the room.

"Forgive him, my dear. He's a little stubborn."

"No need, I can respect stubbornness. But, what did you mean by mates, and why did you bring me here?"

The man known as Marcus took a deep, unnecessary sigh, taking a step towards her. "Luna, are you aware that some vampires have gifts?"

She had heard the rumors, but had never quite had the evidence. "I've heard of it."

His sad smile never reached his eyes. "Well, I myself, have the gift to see bonds. Whether it is between friends, family, or lovers. I know this might come as quite a shock, but you are mated to Caius."

Caius? The blonde douchebag that just threw a fit? No!

"You mean the grown ass man that just called me a 'thing'?"

Aro chuckled at her statement, knowing full damn well that Caius was listening in on the conversation somewhere. "Yes, that's the one."

"Okay, I'm not exactly sensing a mating situation here. In fact, I'm pretty sure that you have the wrong girl. So, if you don't mind," Luna tried to make her way around the intimidating vampires that stood in front of her, but she had no such luck.

"Unfortunately, young one. You don't have much of a choice. We can't risk you being out there, now that we know you exist."

Luna didn't have a chance to respond before her senses went black again.

Caius had heard everything from the other room.

He was infuriated that they had put her in his chambers. Caius was aware of the fact that she was supposed to be his mate, but her? Someone who had dog blood in her?

Absolutely not.

He had such a hatred towards the wolves, that he couldn't accept even an ounce of it.

But there was only one problem.

Why the hell couldn't he stop thinking about those damn blue eyes?

Luna had began to stir in her sleep, slowly swiping off the drowsiness that consumed her. What the hell was that?

She sat up against the headboard, looking at her surroundings.

The room was beautiful. The bedding under her had a royal blue color. There was a balcony to the right, and a fireplace to the left. It was simple, perfect.

Right ahead, there had seemed to be an attached bathroom. Seeing the shower ahead of her immediately made her sprung out of bed.

"Ah, it seems as though your little mate has awoken."

Caius growled in response, turning his glare towards Aro. "She. Is. Not. My. Mate."

His brothers roll their eyes, growing very impatient with Caius. "Brother, you cannot deny that you already feel it. Which is why you refuse to let me touch you and see."

Caius was seeing red, slamming his hand against the desk in front of him. "Maybe it's because I don't like you intruding on every little thought, Aro!"

Aro made a sad, pouting expression. "You just broke a 200 year old desk. You should be ashamed."

Rolling his eyes, he stood from the desk and exited the library.

Caius refused to admit that ever since that beautiful dark haired vixen stepped into their home, she had invaded every space in his mind.

Luna was standing under the hot water, hoping that everything that had happened would magically wash off.

No such luck.

The word 'mate', kept repeating in her head over and over.

She knew she felt drawn to the blonde vampire, but mate? That seemed a little much.

As she slowly washed off every speck of dirt and grimace on her, her mind couldn't help but to drift off to his angry scowl staring down at her.

No matter how hard she tried to fight it, she found herself imagining that angry expression. Why? She wasn't sure.

But one thing was certain.

She could not ignore this odd pulling feeling in her chest, and neither could he.

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