Chapter 4

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Two weeks. Two fucking weeks since Caius disappeared.

His brothers and the guard said he was on some sort of mission.

Luna knew he was just a coward.

She didn't find it fair that he was able to run away because of something that confused him. She had been in the same boat since day one. It was bullshit.

But the worst part, she could feel the pulling in her chest increase.

The first week wasn't terrible. It just felt like her stomach had dropped, and her chest was tightened. Almost like going down a steep hill.

But now that it had moved to the second week, it was much worse. That tightened feeling turned into pain. The dropping feeling in her stomach felt like nausea.

It was strange. She wasn't even human.

Yet, here she was. Experiencing human reactions over some coward she barely knew. The same damn man that had the audacity to call himself a king. She was furious, to say the least.

And she hated it.

Now, she had locked herself in his room, buried under his blankets. All she needed was to be near him to make it stop, but the closest she had gotten was his scent.

"Miss? Are you in here?"

Jane had cracked open the door, her eyes setting on Luna curled in a ball. The pain clearly displayed on her features.

"Luna!" She sped over to her, instantly settling next to her on the bed. "What's going on? Are you hurt? Sick?"

She wasn't sure how to check for sicknesses on a hybrid. Her small hand reached towards Luna's head, feeling for any kind of fever. "It... I-it hurts."

"What hurts? Let me help."

Luna's eyes scrunched together, her breathing becoming rapid. "M-my chest. I feel like I can't-",

Jane's eyes widened in realization. "The bond," she whispered to herself. "Alec!"

The young boy ran to his sister instantly. "Get the kings immediately. Master Caius must return."

Two weeks. He could feel it. Of course he could. But it wasn't anything he couldn't handle.

One of his major, most prominent flaws, was his stubbornness.

Every fiber of his being told him to go back home. Go back to his mate and be close to her. Anything. But he fought that instinct.

Instead, he tore through almost an entire small village in Italy. The need for her increasing his hunger.

He thought the more he drank, the less he would want her. Need her.

But he was wrong.

The incessant buzzing of his phone didn't stop.

He knew it would be one of his brothers, and he cursed himself for ever getting one of those god forsaken devices in the first place.

It felt as if an 1,000 lb weight were laying on his chest. And he thanked the gods that Luna wasn't like him. That she surely wouldn't be in the same amount of pain.

The buzzing of the phone finally peaked his nerves, making him yank the device out.

"What?!" Caius' voice roared throughout the streets.

"Brother, it's Luna. You need to come back home, now. You've been gone for too long."

His teeth clenched together, his hand crushing the phone he held, making the metallic shards clatter to the ground.

He was wrong again.

She could feel it. She was in pain, and it was his fault.

"It's alright, Miss. Master will be home soon."

Luna didn't register her words. She just curled farther into herself, clinging to his scent.

Jane quietly left, running down to the throne room. "Is he close?"

"We aren't sure. That device of his cut off before we had any response."

Over the next couple of hours, everyone stood by, patiently waiting. Hoping that he would have the decency to return to his mate.

"He must fix this, Aro. I can see her bonds towards Caius decreasing. She is angry, sad even, that he left her." Marcus sighed, slumping further into his throne.

"He will. Our brother, in his own way, thought he was doing the right thing." A loud crash interrupted their conversation, showing a very worried king in the doorway. "Where is she?"

"Brother, thank the gods. She's in your room-",

Before finishing the sentence, Caius rushed up to his chambers, practically busting down his own bedroom door to reach his little mate.

His left arm curled under her back, lifting her from the bed and pressing her to his chest. "I'm here. I'm here. I'm so sorry."

Both instantly felt the weight be lifted, neither wanting to let go of the other. "How could you do that to me?"

Her body was shaking in his arms, tears starting to pool at her eyes. "If I had known that you were going to experience the same pain as I, I would've never left. And I won't. Not again."

Luna felt every tense muscle relax. Covering herself in his scent was nothing compared to being in his arms and breathing him in. She refused to let him go. "Where were you?"

Her voice trembled with each word, making the not so familiar emotion of guilt flow through him. "I..."

She chuckled in his embrace, slowing lifting her head to look at him. "Well, who would've thought. He does know how to hold his tongue," she winked at him, while mocking his own words.

A low growl sounded in response, but he smirked nonetheless. "I thought I was doing the right thing by leaving for a while. I thought I could get my... urges under control."

She furrowed her brow, reluctantly moving from his embrace. "You left because you want to bite me? You can't be serious. Do you have any idea of the pain that you put not only me, but you in?"

Caius could feel himself tense. If he had blood in his veins, it would surely boil. "You don't understand, Luna! And I already told you. If I had known that you were capable of feeling the same pain as me, I would've never left!"

"That's hard to believe. You've been acting like you want to kill me every time we have an encounter. And then you leave for two weeks, putting me in an unbearable state. You-you are a fucking coward!"

His eyes turned black with anger. "Careful. If you anger me any further, I will have no qualms with proving to you who is in charge."

Luna scoffed as she looked up at him. "You just proved my point."

Her feet touch the floor, trying to run from the bed they were both sitting on. But she didn't get the chance.

Luna felt a cold arm wrap around her torso, yanking her back onto a hard chest behind her. "No. You aren't going to accuse me of anything and then walk away. I won't let you."

"Why not?! You get to run every time you feel like it. Why can't I?"

That same arm that was wrapped around her stomach, tightened and twisted her to face him. "Because I'm the damn king, Luna."

She was ready to put up the biggest fight she could possibly muster up.

But before she could, she felt cold soft lips crash onto hers, pressing her firmly into the bed.

Thought I would go ahead and give you guys another one ;)

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