Chapter 15

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This is more of a filler chapter, so it's a little shorter. But I hope it will put you on the edge of your seats! Enjoy! 🖤

Luna and the three kings were gathered at the table in the throne room. Marcus had books upon books of different special abilities, while Aro and Caius' interest held more towards culture, language, and art.

Now being comfortable with one another, this had become a routine.

Search for Tobias, and come up empty. Hold trials in the throne room, gather and search for any weaknesses in special gifts, and repeat. Life went on.

It had become excruciatingly exhausting with the search, and Luna was on the verge of giving up. Caius, on the other hand, wasn't so keen on the idea of abandoning the situation. "This is absurd," he groaned irritatingly as he slammed the book down. "We shouldn't be hunting him through books. They won't tell us anything that we don't already know."

Marcus depressingly continued reading, while Aro looked up with a bored expression. "We have been through this, fratello. We have our guard consistently searching. We've all discovered that going out ourselves might not be the best idea. Therefor, we stay, while they continue to update on the situation."

Without fault, Caius immediately began arguing. Luna had managed to drown them out, their voices becoming a distant echo.

Her mind was lost in the memory of being held captive by Tobias; learning she was the daughter of a Volturi king while having a wolfs bane laced knife drag against her collarbone never seemed to leave her thoughts.

But, she had began to try harder on remembering the details. Any kind of slip up to give a clue.

There was nothing.

This man had deliberately planned everything carefully. He was never going to keep her there. His words repeat in the shell of her skull, "Our time is up, Luna. Until we meet again."

Her brow furrows, continuing to think to herself while Caius and Aro are on the verge of having a boxing match. "Brothers, please. Enough," Marcus tiredly sighs.

"He can't keep his cloak up for long," she whispered to herself, realization setting in.

All three sets of red eyes shoot to her. "What was that, my dear?," Aro murmured, giving her his undivided attention. "He mentioned that he hadn't figured out how to project his cloaking abilities for long periods of time." Luna shivered as she thought back.

Noticing her uncomfortable reaction, Caius sped over to behind her chair, wrapping his arm around her to comfort her. "Keep going, bellissima. Tell me what's on your troubled mind."

She took a second to gather her speculations before looking around her. "He is unable to hide someone else, including him, for long periods of time. So maybe..." Luna trailed off as nerves began to wrack her body. "Maybe?" Caius repeated.

"Maybe, we need to give him someone to cloak. Someone he would want... one of us." She felt her mate tense behind her as the other two froze in their spots. "Bait," Aro whispered, Luna nodding in agreement. "We need bait."

"I'm not letting him capture you again, Luna. It will not be you." She had a feeling he would say that.

"He won't capture the guard, because their powers are too dangerous. It has to be-,"

"I'll do it," Caius growls, cutting her off. "I would thoroughly enjoy meeting this man in person."

Luna felt every goosebump prickle at her skin as she instantly began to feel the bond pull at her chest with his words. Caius wrapped his arms around her body, lifting her from the chair to sit her in his lap.

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