Chapter 12

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Ugh! This chapter has so much in it! I'm so happy to finally be posting it. I hope you enjoy 🖤

"What did you just say?", Luna whimpered under her breath, not sure if she had misheard his words. "Your father, your real father, is a part of the Volturi." As the last word of the sentence came, he dug the Wolfsbane covered knife into her leg, arms, everywhere.

But the tears didn't come this time. The screams didn't come. She was now lost in her own mind.

"I'm sure he's figured out who you are by now. He has a... particular gift." Her brow scrunched together while slowly looking back towards his direction. "What kind of gift?"

"Why are you contacting the Cullens? They are barely even vampires, and live halfway across the world!" Aro raised his finger at Caius, urging him to stay quiet.

"Aro? To what do I owe this pleasure?"

Aro was borderline surprised that he had bothered to answer the call. Especially after what happened the last time they saw each other. "Carlisle, my dear friend, I need your help."

Caius paced back and forth in front of him, growling with rage. "Is that Caius? I can hear him from here, what's going on?" His eyes shot daggers at Aro, clenching his fists together.

"His mate has been taken...", he paused, raising his sad eyes towards his brother. "And likely being tortured as we speak."

A loud crash came in front of him, the brick wall being shattered in the process of Caius losing his temper. "We know that dear Alice would not have warned us if she had seen something, due to our previous transgressions. But I implore you-,"

His begging made the tapping of Carlisle's fingers stop, freezing altogether. "Please ask the little seer if she saw anything that could help. His mate his a young, sweet woman. She doesn't deserve this, Carlisle."

"I will ask. But Aro," a short pause was created, making the world seem too silent. So silent, that Caius was ready to rip the phone out of his hand and smash it. "You seemed so concerned. I understand that all three of you are family, but-,"

"Just ask Alice and see if she has seen anything," he quickly interrupted. Which did not go unnoticed by Caius.

"Will do."

Somehow, the pull in her chest was more painful than getting tortured.

She desperately wanted to be in her mates arms, even though she was more than 100% sure that he would be angry with her.

Luna had done the one thing he said not to do. Which was run. He literally punished her the last time she did that and she wasn't gone for longer than a day.

How many days had it been now? How angry was he? Would he be mad or relieved when they see each other again? Or both? Will they see each other again?

The questions played over and over and over.

His marks burned against her body, making her squirm against the restraints holding her to the chair. Was that normal? Did it mean he was close?

It was only a matter of time before Tobias came back.

Caius hissed, latching his hand over his mates marks. "What is it?"

"The marks, they are burning." Aro's eyes widened, placing his hand on Caius' shoulder. "Then Alice was right. We must be close."

He growled with anticipation, need, anger. All of it. "That insolent little girl kept information from us! I should rip her head off for that! We could have found her by now if it wasn't for that bi-,"

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