Chapter 14

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Okay, guys! I'm so sorry for taking as long as I did to update. My sister just got married, and everything has just been CRAZY. Sooooo, I know I said this book would have a lot of smut, and I haven't been too crazy with it like my previous one. So to make up for my absence, I've got a HUGE one for you guys. I had hinted in previous chapters that Caius practices BDSM. That will be introduced in this chapter. For those who do not want to read, I would suggest to skip after the beginning scene. I hope everyone enjoys! ;)

Also, I have yet to have a chance to read over this chapter. So if there are any mistakes, I'm sorry! 🖤

Over the next few weeks, Tobias had become quiet. Too quiet. No threats, no surprises, nothing. It was almost as if he didn't exist.

But that wasn't stopping anything from finding the bastard.

Everyone had slowly started going through the motions of a regular life, just with Demetri and Felix on a constant search. Luna honestly felt bad for them, Caius obviously didn't care.

Ever since the two had become mated with one another, there had been constant issues. Neither one of them had a chance to stop and just be with each other. At least, not with a mad man on the loose. But with him recently not being a problem, the two had become closer. More intimate.

Luna was surprised to find that Caius was actually a sappy romantic. Ironic, given the fact that he's literally named as the brutal king. So brutal, that Aro brought him to the Volturi due to the fact of his anger issues.

Her angry king.

She was standing in Caius' art room, working on the painting they had started together.

He had began to open up about his past and describe to her where he came from. After hearing story after brutal story, it became apparent as to why he truly was the way he is. It all slowly began to make sense.

His paintings were always darker and held so much meaning to it. They were beautiful.

As she looked over their painting, she smiled. Moments like these that they share prove how human they both can be.

Caius was still angry with Aro, but it seemed as though that had began to simmer as well.

It was nice to think that just maybe, everything would end and they could live their lives. But no one was dumb enough to think that.

Luna walked out of the room to wash up, given the fact that she was once again, covered in paint. She couldn't help but smirk to herself at the memory of the first time she looked like this. "Some of the best paintings have messy results."

She had no idea what she was in for that night. Skimming over the bites on her body, she shivers at the thought.

Hurrying on washing her body, she skips back into the bedroom to dress, her eyes stopping on the locked door she had discovered months ago.

With everything that had been going on, she had managed to completely forget about it.

Her feet pad onto the ground beneath her as she closes in on the door. Testing to see if it was still locked, her hand wraps around the knob. When she was met with resistance, she had realized that it was indeed, still locked.

"What are you doing, little hybrid?"

She turns, and is met with Caius smirking down at her. "It's rude to snoop." Rolling her eyes, she gestures towards the door. "Why is it locked? Do you have bodies in there?"

A low chuckle rumbles in his throat as he slowly inches towards her. "Are you interrogating me?"

"No... I just find it a bit strange."

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