Chapter 5

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It had happened so fast, that neither were thinking of their actions.

Caius was sick of that defiant little mouth of hers. So, what better way to shut her up than this?

Her lips moved against his with passion, desperation. All of the pent up frustration and need for him being shown with every rough kiss, touch.

The more needy her lips became against his, the more his control started to falter. He needed to stop this.

But the moment her hips instinctively ground up against his, every rational thought vanished.

The second her fingers tried to tangle in his hair, he roughly grabbed her wrists, pinning them above her head. He was the one in control here.

She could hear the low growling in his chest, his primal urges starting to take over.

Once his cold tongue danced against hers, fighting for the dominance that only he would win, she knew she was willing to do whatever he wanted.

All of the anger she had previously felt was gone, and replaced by an immense amount of lust. She needed him, whether she knew she was truly ready to be marked as his or not, in this moment, she was ready.

As if sensing her thoughts, he brought one of his hands to keep her wrists locked above her, the other moving to her chin.

His lips reluctantly left hers as he moved her neck to the side.

Caius' mouth watered at the sight of her pulse on her neck. He could hear her heartbeat, but something about being able to watch it quicken awoke something in him.

His black eyes met hers, his grip on her wrist and chin tightening. "I trust you," she whispered, knowing he was battling with himself.

He didn't respond.

Instead, his lips met hers in a soft kiss, before trailing down her jaw and to her neck.

Taking in a deep breath, he could smell her sweet scent. The smell almost reminded him of honey. So fucking sweet.

Sticking out his tongue, he swipes from her collarbone to right below her ear. "Are you sure you can handle being mine, bellissima? I'm not a gentle lover."

His voice was low and shaky, willing to toss everything he had once believed out of the window for the little hybrid.

Luna's breathing hitched, suddenly nervous. She wasn't entirely too experienced in the matter, given the fact that the one time she did anything of the sexual nature, it didn't last longer than 3 minutes. The embarrassing part, penetration never even happened. Therefor...

Maybe it was the bond. But every single nerve in her body vibrated and screamed for him. Making whatever nervous feeling she originally had, fly straight out of the window.

He wasn't a gentle lover? Bring it on.

"Maybe the real question is, will you be able to handle me?" Her head lifted to swipe her tongue over his bottom lip, before biting down.

Where the sudden confidence came from? She didn't know.

His eyes rolled back at the feeling. So she wanted to play that game, now did she? "Oh, Luna. You have no idea what you just got yourself into."

He moved her face to the side once more, immediately sucking the skin on her neck.

The more she rocked herself against his hardened erection, the more the venom pooled at his fangs. He needed to do it. He couldn't stop. "Once we do this, there is no going back. You will be mine, you hear me? Mine." He growled in such possessiveness, that her body slightly shook from the vibration.

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