Chapter 10

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Aaand welcome back! I'm so terribly sorry for the wait on this. But don't worry, a part two is coming shortly after! I just want to give a fair warning, it's going to start getting dark. Not necessarily in this chapter, but for the next chapters to come. I hope you enjoy this one! 🖤

                                      Part 1

Aro's usual calm facade had began to waver, so unused to not being able to fix a situation. Especially one so dire.

The control was slipping away.

"Why is it that no one can find this man?"

His anger radiated off of him. Each passing second that went by was harder than the last.

Each word that came from one of his guards about another killing. Another threat. Another, "Sorry, master."

A vampire risking exposure.

Not only that, but threatening the life of his brother's mate. Someone that was not only important to Caius, but important to him, all of them.

This particular situation put Marcus on edge as well. "We will find him. I'm sure of it."

Luna was pacing back and forth upstairs, listening to every murmur. Every whisper. Her very skin crawling with each word.

Caius watched with patience, trying his best to stay calm for her. "Luna,"


His jaw tenses at her immediate shut down of his impending sentence.

In a flash, he was next to her, grasping a hold of her arm to stop her. "Luna," he repeated sternly, his eyes boring into hers. "I would advise that you stay calm. This isn't helping."

She scoffs while yanking her arm from his grip. "You're one to talk. You think I don't feel what you feel? You're barely hanging onto your 'calmness'." She replied with sarcasm.

He loved and cared for her. He did. But unfortunately, she was mated to the most stubborn, angry king. And he wasn't having it. "The way you are acting isn't going to get you anywhere. You've clearly never hunted before. It shows. It takes patience."

Her blue eyes shined bright at him with anger, taking a step towards him. "I'm going out there. I'm going to find him myself."

Luna was unable to take even an inch of a step before he grasped her with both hands, keeping her planted in her place.

"You aren't going anywhere without me or my guards."

"Is that an order, master?"

Pulling her closer, his face leaned down so he was inches from hers. "Take it however you want. But you will never run from me again."

It wasn't a threat. No. His words held a promise. She wasn't allowed to pull that shit again. She was his.

Her hardened expression faltered, dropping her head towards the ground. "I need to find him, Caius."

He softened at her words, almost sounding like a whimper. She was hurting, and he felt it.

"We will find him. Together."

Unable to stop her actions or emotions, she wrapped herself in his arms, needing to feel his body against hers. "I don't want you or anyone else to get hurt... but especially you. This is my battle, not yours. Not theirs."

Chuckling, he places a soft kiss to her temple. "Me? Please. I was fighting battles long before I was a vampire. I will be fine, and so will the rest of us. We are trained for this, little hybrid. Your battle is mine also. We do this, together."

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