Chapter 7

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Over 3,000 fucking words, dedicated to a chapter I know you all have been waiting for. YOU ARE WELCOME 😂 enjoy! 🖤

"As you wish."

It was the last thing she heard before being grabbed and thrown onto the bed in a millisecond. "I thought I was too dirty!"

"I'll manage." Two rough hands grab her waist and flip her over onto her stomach, yanking her to the edge of the bed.

"Before I do anything, not only will I need your consent, but you will need a safe word."

Luna's brows furrowed. Obviously she knew what consent was, and would gladly give it. But what the fuck was a safe word? "Umm. What's a safe word?"

She couldn't see him, but he had a dark smile plastered on his face.

His left hand wrapped around the front of her neck, lifting her so she was flush against his chest. As his lips barely grazed her ear, he whispered, "A safe word is what you use when you need me to stop. As I said before, I am not a gentle lover. Saying 'stop' or 'no' will only make me go harder, rougher. Your chosen safe word will make me stop all actions, no matter what."


She could feel her entire body heat up at the thought of him being rough with her.

"What is your safe word, little hybrid?"

The first word that came to her head was, "Impasto."

He froze behind her, pressing her even harder against his chest. "Did you just say, impasto?"

(For those who don't know what 'impasto' is, it's a painting technique. Since they share the same love for art, I thought it would be perfect.)

Something about the way his tone dropped an octave made her body shiver. It was dark, lustful. "Y-yes."

Luna wasn't one for stuttering, but the power that radiated off of him could do that to anyone. "One more thing, bellissima. Your consent."

She could feel his hands drifting up and down her thighs while she was still bent over the edge of the bed. "You've never not had my consent, Caius."

Just as the sentence was finished, he took her jeans in his hands and ripped them to shreds. "Caius!", she squealed in bewilderment.

"I'll buy you a new pair," he growled once he saw her cute little lace panties.

Red. His favorite color.

"I like these," he murmured as he grazed his fingertips over the lace that barely covered her core.

She felt her entire body jolt at the action, but almost instantly wanting to rock against his teasing hand. "What was it you said earlier about, 'making me watch your tongue'?"

She loved being defiant with him. It always seemed to put him on edge, which was obviously fun. "Hmm. I think I need a reminder."

"Wrong answer."

One cold palm went to her shoulder to hold her down, while the other slapped hard against her ass, making her scream out.

But he didn't stop. He gave her multiple hard slaps. Over and over and over.

He loved the way her ass grew red, even though it healed right after.

"Oh my god!", she moaned out. Luna loved the feeling of being completely helpless under him. He could do whatever he wanted to her, and she would take it. "Tsk tsk. Bad girl. I think someone is enjoying this a little too much."

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