Chapter 17

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I cannot express enough how grateful I am for everyone being patient with me. I know it took far too long to post this final chapter, but I am happy to wrap it up nice for you guys. I hope you truly enjoy this ending, and I love each and every one of you 🖤🖤🖤


                               Five years later

The tapping of the pen echoed across the throne room each time it struck the old wood. "I hate to say it, but I've ran out of ideas to torture Tobias," Luna murmured with a disappointed expression.

"Yes... nothing is quite as exciting anymore," Jane chimed in, casually lurking in the corner with Alec by her side.

"Maybe... hmm. No, we've already done that."

"What about fire?", Luna asked as the incessant tapping continued. Caius gently grabbed her wrist, forcing her to stop. "Fire will kill him, Tesoro. You know this."

"No. I mean, we tear his limbs from his body and burn them. Therefor, no more of those parts. And we continue to do so until there is nothing left."

Caius gave his signature grin while Aro clapped his hands together with glee. "Brava, young daughter."

"I say, we leave the head for last and just keep him that way for another five years."

Luna looked over to Felix with an eyebrow lifted, "Such the torturer, Felix."

"I try."

Rolling her eyes, she brings her gaze over to Caius, who is still staring at her with deep admiration. "What do you think, Caius?"

His cold, smooth fingertips graze the edge of her jaw before pinching her chin between his two fingers. "You never cease to amaze me, little hybrid. Which body part shall we start with?"

It had started with the fingers, then his toes. Moving onto the calf's, and then the thighs. Eventually, they had gotten to his forearm, and up to his arm.

Each moment that Luna was in that dungeon, she had Caius and Aro by her side.

Each day that they were sharing that space, Tobias knew he was closer to death.

The waiting. The torture. It brought a new light into Luna's life. Her vengeance for her mother, and her people. She dragged it out for as long as she could, until eventually, she got to his head.

Luna crouched down in front of him, the only thing left of his soulless body lying on the floor. "I want you to look in my eyes and remember me. Remember the little girl you once knew. The little girl who once thought of you as a father. And I want you to know, that same little girl is your end. I will be the last thing you see, hear, or touch. And in another five years, you better be ready."

Standing back up, she turns to see both Aro and Caius staring at her with proud eyes.

Holding out his hand to her, Caius purrs, "That's my girl." Aro can't keep himself from rolling his eyes before placing a swift kiss to her forehead. "I will never stop being grateful that we found you that day, painting in the streets. And to think, not only was Caius gaining a mate, but I, a daughter."

"And I've loved you since day one."

Luna let's out a light scoff before turning towards her angry king. "I seem to remember you calling me an abomination on day one."

"And I seem to remember not being able to separate from you. I watched you sleep-," "No, you got annoyed by me screaming in my sleep, and continued to pester me about interrupting your work."

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