Chapter 6

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Out of all the things she expected him to say, that was not one of them.

Luna stood there, jaw dropped and in complete shock by his question. Her parents? Why the hell would he ask about that?

"Why do you want to know who my parents are?"

Caius met her eyes, trying to read her expression. "Just. Tell me what you know of your family. Please."

She wasn't sure if it was the pleading or the tone of urgency, but she complied. "My mother was supposedly someone very important in the tribe she lived in. I was too young to really know her, but that much I knew. And... the man I had originally presumed to be my father, he was just evil. I've met many supernatural beings who were kinder than that man."

Luna looked away from him, hating conjuring up those memories. "He apparently never even was my father. My mom had an affair, and he found out. You could say he didn't take it... lightly."

Caius took a step towards her, lightly grabbing her wrist to turn her back to him. "What did he do?"

"He murdered her. Right in front of me."

She could feel the water start pooling and burn her eyes.

Luna never spoke of that night to anyone. A lot of the night was practically a blur. All her mind could conjure up was how quickly she ran when it happened.

Watching your mother get killed at the ripe age of 4 can definitely affect you.

He instantly pulled her towards him, awkwardly wrapping his arms around her waist. To say he wasn't skilled in comforting, was an understatement. "Shhh. It's alright, little hybrid."

"Why do you want to know?", she sniffled against his chest, not daring to meet his eyes yet.

Caius hesitated, wondering whether or not he should tell her that the same man who killed her mother was trying to find her.

Without meaning to, he started growling at the idea of this filth coming near her. "Are you okay?"

"Yes. You shouldn't have gone through something so horrendous at such a young age."

He had chosen not to mention what he had discovered, worried about further distressing her.

Her shaky fingers grasped onto his shirt, pulling him as close as possible. "I don't think we can get any closer, Luna." He chuckled.

Lifting her head, she whispers, "I disagree."

Hesitantly, her lips meet his in a kiss far more passionate than the last.

Instantly, he pressed her against the wall, swiping his tongue over her bottom lip. Happily, she accepted his invitation.

The deeper the kiss became, the more his tongue wrestled hers, the harder it was to get himself to stop.

Slamming his palm against the wall, he forced himself to push away. His other hand went to her chin, making her look into his lust filled eyes. "I have some matters that need my attention. But mark my words, we will continue what was interrupted earlier."

His words were low and dark. Promising. Everything he imagined doing to her was going through his head. He had planned to give her mind blowing pleasure. And he was going to make her his. Truly.

Adjusting his suit, he steps away. "You are more than welcome to use any of my tools in here to paint. I promise I won't be too terribly long."

Luna stared at him in awe, a bright smile plastered on her face. "Thank you, thank you!", she squealed, giving him a quick peck to his cheek.

"You're welcome, Luna."

Once he had left, she immediately started getting to work.

If there were any way to calm her down, it was painting. The world always seemed so quiet when she did.

Caius quickly made his way to the throne room, meeting Aro and Marcus around the table. "Has Demetri found anything?"

"Not yet, fratello. Patience."

He could feel the anger surge throughout his entire body. He was determined to make this ignorant man suffer. "He must be brought back alive. I want to rip him apart myself."

It was too quick for anyone to catch, but Marcus gave a genuine smile, watching their bonds grow brighter.

It had been at least a couple of hours, and she had slowly started to grow tired.

The painting she was working on was of her mother, and how she remembered her.

Unfortunately, she had started to fade from her mind. So in this painting, she described it as such. A faded image of a once beautiful woman.

As her eyes grew heavy, she slowly laid down next to the painting. Side by side with her mother.

Caius finally made it back to his chambers, lightly tapping on the door to check on her. "Luna?", he pauses once he sees her passed out on the ground, covered in paint.

Normally something like this would disgust him. But the way her body sprawled out on the floor, her shirt slightly rising to her ribs, showing her smooth skin. The strokes of paint on various parts of her body. She herself was a masterpiece.

Inching closer to pick her up, he stops to look at the painting. It must've been her mother. And he was truly impressed with her style.

Smiling at the sleeping woman, he bends down to scoop her into his arms.

She stirs in her sleep, slowly blinking her eyes open.

He brought her to the bathroom, gently placing her down to turn on the bath. "What are you doing?"

Turning his head, he finds her stretching and gazing up at him.

Instead of answering her question, he straightens from the tub and glides over to her. "I've never seen anyone paint as messily as you do. You're covered in it."

Squinting her eyes at him, she crosses her arms over her chest. "Some of the best paintings have messy results."

"It's childish and filthy." At this point, he was purposely trying to rile her up.

As much as he hated to admit it, he loved it when she was a little brat. "Don't fucking call me childish."

He was inches from her with the speed of lightening. "Watch. Your. Tongue."

She moves to her feet, stepping onto her tiptoes. "How about you make me, all mighty king?"

An evil, excited smirk made its way across his face.

"As you wish."

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