Volturi kings book? 👀

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GUYS. I have a crazy idea on a story that has been brewing in my mind for a while. It's not going to be like any thing I've ever written, and it might be considered a little taboo-ish.

It will be a Poly story with all three kings, first of all.

And don't start bashing me on this idea guys, but I think I'm gonna make the female character Renesmee.


Number one - I think it would be even creepier if her and Jacob actually stayed a thing. Like. That's just strange to me. But hey, you do you 😂

Number two - She will be fully grown by the time they cross paths again. Like technically, they've only ever seen her once, and they might not even recognize her in the beginning. I haven't decided yet. But either way, they aren't watching her grow. SHE WILL BE AN ADULT. And considering that the actress herself is also fully grown (the girl is 22. When did that happen?), it won't be weird on that aspect, either.

Number three - IT WILL BE A SLOW BURN, for obvious reasons. Of course there will still be some "get down on it" chapters, but I'm not gonna have her character acting like a slut right off the bat.

Now, I can understand this idea being weird for people, and you don't have to read it. But the plot that I have for this one is just too good to ignore. So... maybe give it a try? Maybe not!

But like... I'm almost done with my other book, and then I'll have nothing left! So, I'm doing it! 😂

Thoughts? SHARE THEM 😘 I'm not a sensitive bitch, and my feelings won't be hurt. I know some are going to have concerns, and I'd love to answer any questions that are brewing 🖤

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