Chapter 13

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After a week of being held close to Caius, one week of not separating for a second, they had both became comfortable and healed.

He had been weary to leave her, even for a second, but he needed to feed.

Luna could see the darkness in his eyes, and the struggle he faced. "Go eat, Caius. I'll be fine."

Putting up an argument that lasted at least 15 minutes, he finally complied. "I will be back before you know it, little hybrid." With a quick kiss, he had disappeared into the night.

She sat up against the headboard, her mind racing consistently. She needed to find Aro.

Standing up, she made herself presentable enough to walk out of the bedroom, considering she hadn't left that room since she'd been back.

A deep sigh escapes her lips as she ventured out to find him.

Room after room passed by, and still no luck. Just when she was about to give up, she noticed a flicker of a candle shine through a cracked door.

Hesitantly, she followed the light until she was met with dark raven hair.

Here we go.

Luna was going to politely knock on the door, but was instantly interrupted from doing so. "Come in, Luna."

Hearing the uneasiness from his voice, she slowly stepped forward until she was facing him. "How long?" Luna's voice was barely above a whisper. "When I looked into your thoughts."

She scoffed, rolling her eyes. "You've known since then? Why didn't you say anything?"

Pursing his lips, he moves to stand in front of her. "Probably for the same reason you have yet to tell Caius." Luna felt a pang of guilt hit in her chest. She didn't want to keep this from him, but she had barely been able to digest the situation.

"I plan to tonight."

Aro chuckled as he placed his hands in his pockets. "Then I'm sure my head will be detached by morning."

Luna couldn't help the crack of a smile form on her lips. "What was my mother to you? Aren't you... married?"

He knew this question would come, but the words were difficult to put together. "It's complicated. But to say the least, Sulpicia and I aren't true mates. And on occasion, we have been with others-,"

"Okay, ew. No. Skip that explanation. Go to my mom."

"Your mother was captivating. A strong, brave woman. I met her when we stumbled across each others paths in the woods. She attacked me, and I of course, attacked back. She put up a good fight. But when I couldn't end her life, I found myself kissing her instead."

Luna sat back as she listened to the story, trying to attempt not to cringe at the thought of them together. "I wish I could tell you that it was the kind of romance to stop time, or we would die for the other. But it was anything but. That was the first, and last time I saw her."

For some reason, that made her sad. She didn't know why the idea of them being a strong happy couple appeared in her mind, but it was quite the opposite. "So. You just fucked once and left?"

"Darling, please don't say it like that. But essentially, yes."

"What now?"

Aro seemed taken aback by her question. He himself didn't know what to do either. "It's whatever you want it to be. I don't expect you to call me father anytime soon, or ever. We will go at our own pace. However, Caius won't take the information well."

Rolling her eyes, she laughs. "I'm sure I can keep him calm."

Aro shakes his head in disagreement. "No, Luna. You don't know him like I do. You have yet to lie to him, and keep secrets. He doesn't handle such things well. He will be angry with me, and you."

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