Paper Flowers (V x N)

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Requested by Bryan78932
Takes place after episode one as if V wasn't chained and felt attracted to N.
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N chewed his bottom lip, tapping his index finger on the desk at a fast pace. He had found an old box of books, with one titled: "How to Show Your Crush You Like Them Without Verbally Admitting to Them." It was a long title, sure; but it peaked his interest.

N wanted to hint to V that he liked her. N flipped through the old yellowed pages of the book, trying to find something small to start with. There it was, a chapter about gifts. N loved giving gifts.

N's eyes lit up as he skimmed the page. "Gifts are perfect to show someone you care, but they shouldn't be what a relationship is based upon. However, it shows you care a great deal if you find a gift to give them that shows you listen to what they say."

N didn't particularly want to give her a balloon animal made out of worker drone parts, so he continued reading.

"No matter the gender of your crush, flowers are always a great way to go if you can't think of or find the gift your crush desires. Be mindful if your center of affections has allergies, as that would make your gift to them an unpleasant experience."

A flash of a worker with a flower crown popped into his head: V back before things went downhill for them because of JcJenson. But that meant she wasn't allergic.

Still... there was a small problem...

Where would he find flowers? After all, there was no remaining life on the planet.

N got up from the desk and rummaged through the box of books, hoping to find something useful about flowers. Towards the bottom of the box, he found a book that gave him inspiration. It was an origami book with some paper animals and flowers on the cover. That would do.

N once again found himself skipping through the pages of a book. This time, his search yielded no results. There weren't any instructions for the flower on the cover, and the whole book seemed to be purely animal based origami. N squinted at the cover, noticing fine print that read: "Flowers seen in Botany edition."

Well that was helpful. 

More rummaging led to a dead end. No Botany Origami book. N lashed his tail with an aggression unlike himself, he guessed he'd have to look elsewhere to find a gift for V.

N sighed in defeat, trudging out of the room. Then an idea hit him. He rushed back into the room and picked up the Zoology Origami book. He flipped it over to see a barcode on the back: a library barcode. N happily wagged his tail at the discovery. If there was a library barcode, then there was sure to be a library!

Now just to find the library.

V couldn't believe she was about to do this. All her life, she never thought she'd be here asking a worker for help. V huffed, covering her flushed face with both her hands. Wow, she was stupid.

Her heart was supposed to be untouchable! She had built a wall so she could never love, as loving lead to losing; and losing someone you loved only left you hurt. But here she was, the walls of her heart crumbling and falling every time she saw N.

Of course she tried to keep up the act, but that failed like her wall did. So, she resorted to pushing him away: acting as though she'd forgotten his name and even going as far as to reject him when he asked her on a date.

But the purple-haired-toaster had a point with all her "kill humans" nonsense: the humans didn't care about us. V had to admit, she'd been in denial about a lot of things for a rather long time.

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