Yandere Uzi x N

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Request by uzidoormankisser

You people really enjoy yandere content... 

Takes place after episode 2, but in a separate timeline where N and Uzi never split up.

Uzi was out scavenging for supplies. Humans left behind plenty of useless junk, and Uzi loved making that junk into something useful. To her, it was like how other drones would make origami fortune tellers: a fun hobby. Except unlike other drone's hobbies, her hobby was actually a useful one.

Uzi took a deep breath and stretched as she threw the bag of scraps and interesting things over her shoulder. She made her way back to the spire, thinking about what all she could do with what she dug up.

Uzi couldn't wait to see N again, each little movement of something in the background excited her and made her think it was him. Sadly though, it was usually just tatters of an old flag or sign. Plus, it was daytime and N couldn't even realistically be out then. 

N was always really kind to her, and even though she pushed him away at times, he would always come back to try and comfort her again. He was so persistent, and Uzi loved that about him.

That was something new in her thoughts, and it caught her off guard.

Uzi kept walking, but faster now. Almost as though she were trying to physically distance herself from the topic as well as mentally. Uzi saw the spire in the distance and felt a rush of excitement. She was going to go see N soon! 

Uzi made it through the spire's entrance by sundown, and sat looking up at N dangling from a bar in the tower asleep. He looked peaceful. Not but a few days ago he had saved her life, and Thad's, from that absolute solver thing that came out of J. Uzi grimaced, wondering if that was inside of her too now.

Uzi chose to stay with N because she needed answers, and maybe a little bit because he made her world light up and heart flutter just by being himself. He was extraordinary to her. He was innocent one moment, and a ruthless embodiment of danger the next. Uzi was infatuated by him. Ever since they met, she couldn't get enough. 

There was one thing about him that got under her skin though: how he liked V.

And Uzi definitely wasn't jealous! It was just that Uzi thought she was a bitch and didn't deserve N's attention. With how N talked about her, Uzi couldn't help but dislike her. N put her on a pedestal regardless of how she hurt him or tossed him aside. N was so kind and unlike V. She didn't understand why he liked her, other than that she was pretty as hell...

Was it the height? Ah shit. Uzi bet it was that V was taller than her.

Uzi blinked, wondering why she just compared herself to V. Maybe she was jealous of V. Uzi pushed the thought to the back of her mind and  turned her attention to N hanging upside down asleep.

Uzi saw a yellow light flicker on and smiled. He was awake. N dropped down from his perch, swooping down with his elegant wings to Uzi.

She smiled, "Hey." She said simply.

"You were up early." N observed with a light hearted tone. Uzi had changed her sleep schedule to the point where she slept when N slept and was awake when he was. She got to spend more time with him that way.

"Yeah, went out to look for supplies." She informed him, grabbing her knees from where she sat criss cross and rocking back and forth a bit.

N smiled, "What all did ya find?" He asked curiously.

Uzi slung the bag off her shoulder and dumped out its contents. Mostly scrap metal, batteries she hoped still had juice, and then something else she didn't mean to show N.

N pointed at the ring she didn't mean to show him, "What's this for?"

Uzi coughed, trying to think of a lie. She had found the ring while out rummaging through human junk. It was a fidget ring, and Uzi thought N would enjoy it, seeing how much he fidgeted with his hands. However, she was still on the fence about giving it to him because she didn't want to seem weird.

Uzi decided the truth would be better than a lie, "Its a fidget ring I found. I thought you'd enjoy it, so I picked it up for you." She admitted to him, looking away trying to hide her blushing face.

"Awwe thank you so much Uzi!" N chirped as he slid the ring onto his finger and spinning the second layer of the ring around giddily.

N grabbed Uzi and pulled her into a tight hug. He was warm, and Uzi liked that. His coat was soft, and she never wanted to let go. She melted into the hug a bit more than she thought she did, because N pointed it out, "You're letting me hug you."

"Not that big a deal." Uzi brushed it off.

"It is to me." N purred, holding her closer.

Uzi escaped his comforting grasp, scared she'd overheat. Lines of blush were clearly displayed under her displayed eyes, which darted around quickly and in a panic.

"W-we should go feed V, yeah?" Uzi changed the subject. N didn't seem too happy about this, but agreed regardless.

Uzi and V went inside the pod, and Uzi felt like she was going to regret her decision. She tossed V a can of oil from a shelf she had installed in the pod.

Uzi watched V look N over, and got jealous.

Which was new for her.

Uzi grumbled and grabbed N's hand, dragging him out of the pod by it. Once out if earshot, Uzi stated her worries.

"She was checking you out." Uzi complained with a scowl.

N's visor displayed a blush, and he had a small smile that was gentle yet smug, "You're still holding my hand. Are you jealous?"

"WHAT, PFFT, NO!" Uzi lied poorly.

N laughed, pulling her into a tight embrace.

Uzi liked being in the sweet boy's arms. She felt safe, warm, and cared for there. She held him close and knew she would do anything to keep him. He was hers, and she'd kill anyone who tried to get in her way of him. Uzi smiled intensely, not wanting to let go. He was hers. 

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