Toxic Death Storm is Especially Lovely (J x V)

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Fluff of V and J (bit angsty??)
Takes place before J's death, but after when N asked V out.
Proofread ✔

The dark sky was a comforting sign. White flakes of snow fell down on her shoulders. She was thinking about what just happened. The annoying male disassembly drone had attempted to ask her to view the toxic planet wide death storm with him.

Yet, his offer made her think of an offer of her own. V cut through the night air, her near silent wings feeling cold with the wind. Her hair blew around her face and she took a deep breath, ending with a happy sigh.

The cold nights out flying were always the best ones. They seemed to make her feel something, which wasn't a common occurrence for V. V giggled to herself as she dropped down in front of the corpse spire with a crunch in the snow.

She twirled the severed head of a worker drone on her offhand and felt the weight placement change in her palm as the oil swished around inside. Her tail twitched nervously at the thought of what she was about to do.

V had decided she was going to take inspiration from the strange male drone's proposal and ask J to view the planet wide toxic death storm with her. She felt giddy at the thought of sitting with J and drinking oil together. Maybe they would hold hands? Who knew what would happen...

V felt herself heat up and a shiver went down her spine. She shook her head vigorously to clear it of it's wandering thoughts. She walked into the tower and coughed nervously, her breath clouding the air. "Hey, J! You there?" She called into the dark.

Her night vision sensors didn't seem to want to switch on, and there was a strange feeling that accompanied the fidgeting in her hands. She felt... Nervous. "Yeah, what do you need?" A voice called back from the dark.

V smiled, feeling warmer yet again. She didn't know when she had started feeling like this. The only thing that used to make her smile was tearing apart worker drones and making the other workers watch before their own demise. Now though, J had wormed her way into V's heart.

V admired J's cunning and ruthless attitude, not to mention how beautiful V found the taller woman to be. She always seemed to care so much about her job, and would constantly be putting effort in. J was not only admirable, but pretty as well.

V didn't know when these feelings developed, or how they developed, but the fact her virus scanner showed no abnormal behavior was enough incentive for V to act on these feelings.

J managed to make V's heart drop, as well as her jaw. She at times was funny, too. Well, funny to V anyway. She found the monologues J went on to be cute. V wondered if J's pigtails were as soft as they looked.

V blinked, realizing she had lost herself in her head. "I.. I was wondering if you'd want to go see the storm with me? I brought oil to share, and the weather is perfect right now and-" V's nervous rambling was cut off by J -seemingly eagerly- shouting "Yeah, of course! Just let me get ready, and I'll meet you outside, okay?"

V skipped through the snow and out of the corpse tower. She sat down in front of the tower, her chin in her hands and elbows on her knees. The worker head was next to her, and she had her tail wrapped around it. She hummed a happy and familiar song she had heard J hum many times before.

V soon heard crunching in the snow, and saw J. She seemed to be smiling softer than usual. The smile was infectious, as V found herself smiling back. V got up and put the worker head in her offhand once more. "I know a good place." J said and took hold of V's hand while dragging her off into the distance.

V couldn't feel time passing like normal. Instead, all she could focus on was the warm hand in her own. Smiles and giggles like they were from two little kids were heard by many of the workers nearby as the two girls rushed through the snow ridden wasteland.

Eventually, they made it to the spot. It was a tower of sorts with a platform at the top and wires connecting it to other buildings in the distance. V and J scrambled to the top in a fit of laughter, but once they made it up V felt the laughing fade and a new feeling well up inside her.

She looked at J's smiling and laughing face, and V smiled softly. V was the kind of person to never do anything softly, but love was a new emotion to V. She fell softly, but deeply, for her co-worker.

"Co-worker" repeated in her head, and a sudden sinking feeling set in. Her eyes dropped and she started to fidget with the worker head. "What's wrong?" J asked, picking up on the sudden change in mood.

"Its just- isn't this against company conduct code? Two co-workers? Let alone two female co-workers... Who aren't even supposed to feel like this." V confessed with a worried look. J smiled and held her hand up to cup the smaller drone's face. "I don't care what they'd think this time." V leaned into J's hand as J continued, "We've been doing so well with our jobs too, they should let us love and be happy." 

V closed her eyes and melted into the touch. She didn't remember the last time someone showed her this kind of affection. In fact, she didn't remember this kind of affection being shown to her at all. It started hurting. V's head felt dizzy and her world began to drop away. 

Tears streamed down her face and she let out a soft sob. "Hey- I'm sorry- I didn't mean to-" J began, pulling her hand away from V's face. "No-" V choked out, pulling herself closer to J. V had her arms around J's waist and her face in the taller drone's shirt, sobbing. J placed one arm on V's back making calming circles while the other ran through V's hair. 

Eventually V pulled back and looked J in the eyes. She admitted something she had never told anyone before: "Nobody has ever held me or touched me like that."

J smiled softly, still holding onto the smaller drone. 

"Is it okay if I kiss you?" J asked quietly, almost as though she were afraid this were a dream and speaking too loudly would wake her up. V felt herself heat up with a small hiccup like sound. J stifled a laugh as V stuttered out a "yes." 

J brushed a strand of hair out of V's face and stared at her lovingly. "You're beautiful, you know that?" J whispered gently. V's visor displayed a heavily saturated blush as she looked down. J put her hand under V's chin and gently pulled her head upwards to kiss her softly. 

The soft kiss grew as confidence built up, and soon the slow softness turned into sloppy and passionate kissing. Cold flakes fell down on the two, almost like the world was reassuring them they were doing just fine by being together and things were okay. Stars flashed by overhead, and the night was perfect.


V finished the memory, tears streaming down her face again. She missed J.


A/N: Part 2 of this soon maybe <3 

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