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its weird to be 23 & dating.

with 2 babies.

while you're living with your brother.

and occasionally his girlfriend.

im at austons house, feeding the girls as they sit in seats on the kitchen island.

"they're getting so big." he said. "i dont like that mattie, you're supposed to stay small forever."

seeing auston love 2 babies that arent his is like love at first sight everytime he interacts with the girls.

i smiled at him, "i feel like im constantly buying new clothes for them & food."

"they sleeping through the night still?" he asked

"for the most part, yeah but if one wakes up the other one wakes up. i know its going to get bad when i have to move their cribs into toddler beds, but ive got a while til then."

"have you been thinking about moving out still?"

"ive been looking at places close by, like 2 bedroom apartments or houses. i figured them sharing a room for a little will be good." i said. "i just gotta get a job first."

"why dont you move in with me?" auston asked.

"oh i dont know auston. thats a lot to think about."

"no, i want you too baby." he said.

i bit my lip.

<>austons pov<>

i could see the gears turning in her head, "i want you too. i want the girls here. its way better than you trying to find a good place right now and we'll get to live here forever. the girls will have their own rooms when they get old enough."

i paused "just think about it babe."

"the last time i moved in with a man i got pregnant and he left me." she said softly

"well weve got 2 babies to take care of so i dont see that happening."

she stood up and looked at me, "why do you say we?"

"because i love you and i love mattie & adley like they're my own. id do anything for you for 3."

i pulled her in for a hug and kissed the top of her head.

"i don't deserve you." she cried into my chest.

"you deserve better than me maggie."

"stop, youre making me cry."

"dont do that." i chuckled.

"i dont know." she said, going back to feeding the babies

"just think about it."

"yeah but you bring this up like every week auston."

i placed my hand on her back, rubbing it. "just be thinking about it."

"im happy at mitchs for now and when that changes i will let you know, okay?"

"perfect. i love you." i said kissing her cheek. "you do know that if you move in with me, you're gonna be a mom right?"

she turned her head to me, "am i not a mom now?"

"no, like a stay at home mom." i said.

"really why?" she questioned.

"because thats what's important to me, with me being on the road playing i dont want us to have to find someone to watch them. plus if you 3 are here, i know you're safe."

"alright, i get that."

"you know ill take care of you right?" i asked.


we got the girls cleaned up from lunch and laid down for their nap.

i pulled maggie onto the couch, she laid between my legs with her head on my chest.

"why are you upset?" i asked. "and dont lie to me, because i know you are."

"i dont know baby."

i could feel my shirt getting wet and she snuffled, "babe, theres something wrong, youre crying."

"no auston, im just so thankful for you. like youll never know!"

"what? where did this come from?"

"you do so much for me, helping me with the girls & you've taken me on dates." she said.

"taking you on dates in toronto is the bare minimum." i said and she looked up at me. "you wanna go on a date in hawaii? capri, italy?"

"see! like ive met other guys and when they found out i had twins they never talked to me again. plus with you being a professional hockey player, i never expected you to even look in my direction but here we are. youre asking me to move in with you, and you love the girl like they're your own."

"because i love you maggie."


i placed my hand on her cheek, "how couldn't i, maggie? id be an idiot to pass on a girl like you."

"when you met me, my hair was in a messy bun & i had baby throw up on me." she laughed.

"which was attractive to me." i laughed with her.

"i cant get enough of you maggie." i smiled.

she blushed and smiled back.

"youre everything ive dreamed of auston."

"well then, i guess its time to start making your dreams come true."

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