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"happy 3rd birthday loves." auston said, as we woke the girls up.

this week, we switch the girls room from cribs to toddler bed, which breaks my heart because they're getting so big. steph & i chose this week because the guys leave for a road trip at 1 today so we get to prove we dont need men for everything this week.

"hi adley." i said.

"hi mom."

"good morning adley."

she smiled at auston, "daddy." she said hugging him.

auston & i never discussed the girls calling him dad, but with family skate & other events with the team, they hear the other kids calling their dad, dad, and all they know for "dad" is auston and mattie just said it one day & weve gone with it ever since.

auston worried that it made me upset, but it actually makes me very happy. im so lucky that the girls love him.

"good morning mattie."

she stood up and walked out the bedroom door, "i love you too matt!" he joked.

this pasted year has been amazing! i moved in with auston about a year ago. the girls start school soon, but they're also in day care since i got a job!

jenny & i opened a boutique together! it was a crazy idea at first that i thought was a joke but it quickly became a reality.

we sell lots of cute maple leafs stuff, as well as other outfits.

enough about me, today we celebrate the girls.

the doorbell rang and auston went to get it.

"who wants cake for breakfast?" steph hollered.

"me." mitch raised his hand.

"shut up its not your birthday." steph said back. "mattie & adley, are you ready to party?"

we made breakfast pancakes and sang them happy birthday before opening presents.

the girls got bikes & clothes & american girl dolls.

"thank you mommy." mattie said

"aw youre welcome baby."

adley sat in austons lap, and they played together.

we ordered pizza for lunch but the boys had to go.

auston was in the bedroom for sometime so i went to go check on him.

"hey, you okay?" i asked softly.

he wiped his face, "yeah."

i walked to him and wrapped my left arms around him, "whats wrong babe?"

"leavings hard, it doesn't help that the girls cry when i leave. theyre 3 and they know that ill be gone for a week."

"i know it is babe. its tough for all of us. you know we will be cheering you on from home right? the girls love seeing you on tv."

"its just not the same."

i patted his chest, "i love how much you love them."

"ive played hockey my entire life and ive never wanted to miss a game more than today. it's their third birthday and i gotta go."

"you got to see them today, you go to celebrate them!" i smiled.

he looked at his watch, "this pains me, but i have to go."

"have fun babe. we'll be watching."

he kissed me and we walked to the living room.

he hugged the girls goodbye and adley started crying, walking to him holding her arms up.

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