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<>austons pov<>

i decided to call my mom and tell her about maggie.

i want my mom to meet her soon, & the girls.

"hey auston." my mom said, her face filling the screen. "dont you have a game you should be getting ready for?"

i laughed, "i do, i do, but i have something to tell you."

"can you tell me too?" my sister breyana asked.


"did you find a girl?" alexandria asked.

"why are you all there? wheres dad?"

"work. whats up auston?" my mom asked.

"im dating a girl." i smiled

"finally!" alex celebrated.

"who is she?" my mom asked

"mitchs sister."

"mitch doesn't have a sister." alex said, looking at my mom.

"its kinda a long story, and if maggie wants to tell you 3 she can. it's absolutely up to her."

"tell me about her." my mom smiled.

i hate living so far from them.

"her names maggie & she has twin daughters-"

"are they yours?" breyana asked

"no. i always said i didn't want kids til i was married or older but, ive changed my mind, like im at their house ever chance i get to be with them. maggie & the girls live with mitch right now but ive been talking with her about moving in with me because shes trying to find a place to live and i want her with me." i explained.

"oh youre in love?!" alex exaggerated

"go away." i laughed

"can i meet her?" my mom asked

"yes! i just need to talk to her about meeting you guys."

"have you met her family?"

"well, yes & no. ive met mitch & his parents who are maggies adopted parents, maggie wants nothing to do with her birth parents."

"oh." my mom said. "well talk to her and see what she wants to do. im excited to get another girl around her."

"as if theres not enough." i laughed.

"hey you go get ready for your game! we will be watching!"

"yes maam. love you."

i hung up and text maggie.

auston: hey

mags: sir, dont you have a game?

auston: my mom wants to meet you

auston: my sisters too

mags: omg wanna meet my mom? lol jk

auston: why are you like this?

mags: you told your mom about me?

auston: well i took you on a date so i figured it was time to tell my mom about you

mags: did you tell her about the girls?

auston: i did, she was very understanding. my sisters were too.

mags: thats good! did they ask how we met?

auston: yeah i just said that we met because you moved in with mitch & youre his sister and if you want to tell them the whole story you can but i wont.

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