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i entered the house and everyone started cheering, i smiled and laughed a little.

i immediately hugged my mom, "congratulations baby." she cried.

"how long have you known about with?"

"a couple months."

i pulled away and turned to the rest of the family that is anxiously waiting for a hug.

i hugged mitch second, "hey bub."

"hey sis. congratulations."

i hugged him tightly, "he's so good for you maggie. i see the way he looks at you. you've found your forever."

i cried into his shoulder, "thank you for everything. i met my best friends through you."

"i love you." he said.

"mommy." i turned around and picked up mattie.

"hi baby. i missed you."

i saw that auston had adley, "hi sweet girl."

"maggie!" steph sang.

i set mattie down and hugged steph.

"oh im so happy for you! sister-in-law." she smiled. "we were sitting here so anxiously waiting for the text from you two and when we finally got it, mitch cried a little." she whispered.

auston came up to me and kissed my head, "go see my parents, my moms about to explode from excitement." he whispered to me.

"ill come back." i pointed to steph.

i cried happy tears, "hello maggie."

"hi ema & brian."

"we're getting a sister!" alex celebrated.

i hugged them and looked at the kitchen island behind them, i turned to auston, "are those chocolate covered strawberries?"

"yes, there more in the fridge, just for you."

i walked into the kitchen with auston and looked at the table and island, "this is all of my favorite thing!"

"i know. thats why i got them." he chuckled.

"oh my god i love you." i hugged him.

"i will have chocolate covered strawberries in this house everyday for you."

"is that dr pepper?" i asked.

"yeah. specialty ordered it."

"oh it a party now!" i cheered, going to open a can. "oh how i missed you."

i took a drink and then auston took the car from me and drank after me.

i made a disgusted face, he smirked, "dont act like this disgusts you after what we did last night." he whispered.

i immediately blushed, "stop talking."

i walked back to the living room, "let me see the ring."

i showed them my hand, "oh auston!" steph hyped.

"its kinda heavy." i joked.

we ate dinner and our families celebrated auston & i before we kicked them out so we could get the girls in bed.

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