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auston: my family wants to know where you're at

auston: please talk to me

auston: im sorry maggie. i am

i tossed my phone into the couch and sighed.

steph & mitch had plans today but they were scared to leave me home alone, with the girls.

my hair was in a messy but that i slept in and i had one of mitchs maple leaf hoodies on with leggings.

there was a knock at the door, "sit." mitch said

from the couch, i couldn't be seen from the front door, "hey ema."

"hi mitch, is maggie here?" she asked.

"yes, but i dont know if shes ready to talk."

i got up and walked to the front door, "its fine, if its just ema, im okay." i said.

mitch nodded his head, "austons in the car." she said.

"well he better stay there."

"mitchell." i said as he walked away.

"look sweetheart, auston didnt mean to do that, he didn't know that you would get upset."

"look ema, i came from a very broken family. auston doesn't even know everything that happened to me, so when i felt loved by you, who i met not even 24 hours before we spent the day together, it ment the world to me! i felt like i had a mom."

"im sorry. auston told us little about you, i had no clue about all of this. auston wants to you to know that he loves you." she smiled.

"did your son tell you he called me a bitch?" i asked.

she gasped, "no he did not. i will have him apologize! im sorry for coming here unannounced. i hope to see you again maggie."

"bye ema." i said as she left.

i shut the front door and walked to steph, "he lied to his mom?"

"why was auston here?" mitch asked, walking in from the garage door with bags.

"his mom came to apologize, but he didn't tell her he called me a bitch."

mitch blinked a few times, "i dont know what got into him."

"i dont know either and im really mad at myself for loving him. guys suck." i said with a slight laugh

"oh this isnt the end for you two mags. austons a great guy, this was just one bad moment & im sure if you guys talk this out it will never happen again."

"easy for you to say! mitch is the best guy ever!"

"yet, if he cheated on me id get with you." she smiled.

"i dont even know what to say to that." mitch said.

i put the girls in their high chairs when my phone started ringing, i jogged to get it from the couch, "auston."

"put it on speaker i wanna know what he says."


"what auston?" i said.

"baby im sorry." he said, and steph fake gagged.

"okay." i said, trying to not laugh

"can we talk?"

"maybe in a little bit, the girls are about to eat lunch."

"you're making this so hard maggie." he sighed

"well, i wasnt the one that called you a bitch, was i?"

"maggie." he chuckled. "we can talk this out."

"i gotta go auston." i said.

"call me back-" he said and i hung up.

"ive never been so happy to have twins!" i joked.


i laid in bed that night when my door opened to steph, "hey, you up?"


"can i come lay down with you?" she asked.

i opened my comforter for her and she snuggled up to me, "cant sleep?"

"whatd mitch do to auston?" i asked.

"they just talked."

"i don't believe you." i said.

"mitch punched auston." she said

"im really worried about their friendship." i said

"mitch is more worried about you. auston doesn't know what you went through in your past relationship, but mitch does so he is much more worried about you." she said.

"i hate when hes worried about me." i said.

"hes your older brother. thats what they do." she laughed.

"im fine." i said.

"but you cant sleep?"

"why cant you sleep?" i asked.

"because im worried about auston showing up. he knows the code to the house."

"oh." i said. "i dont think he will though."

"yeah but, i dont want him here & i especially dont want him here if he is just going to argue with you in front of the girls."

"thanks for taking care of me stephy." i smiled.

"oh course sister. id do anything for you." she smiled back.

"i love you."

"i love you too mags!"

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