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<>austons pov<>

i was watching tv when my phone started ringing, showing me maggies face.

"hey maggie." i said, answering it.

"hey, can you help get the girls out of the car? its pouring & they're both crying."

"let me open the garage door, theres room for you to park." i said.

"thanks babe."

i jogged to the garage and opened the door.

she pulled right in.

i gotta get her a new car.

she got out and smiled.

"thank you."

"anytime, ill call it your spot now."

i got mattie out, while she got adley.

"when are your parents coming?" she asked.

"im not sure, they texted that there was talk of a delay with the rain but they haven't texted back in an hour so i think they're on the plane now."

we walked in the house, "did they eat?"

"yeah, i was hoping they would fall asleep on the way over here but that didn't work." she sighed. "and they didn't sleep well last night with it storming."

she stopped and looked at the christmas tree in my living room.

"woah, who'd you pay to decorate that?" she asked.

"wow, you dont think i cant decorate a christmas tree?" i asked.

"not like that."

i laughed with her, "you're right. i hired a lady to come and decorate my house, but hopefully next christmas you'll be the one decorating our house."

"stop it."

"what a man cant dream?"

she walked around and looked at the tree and all the other christmas decorations around the house.

i could see that she was on the verge of crying from being tired.

"go lay down, ive got this."

"i can help, i think they just need to be held." she resisted.

"go lay down, ill be in there soon."

she nodded her head, handing me adley.

i walked around the house while the girls fell asleep in my arms.

i put them in their cribs and walked out of their room & into ours.

"auston?" she asked softly, her back to me.


i could see her leggings & sweating draped over the chair.

"the girls go to bed?"


i slid into bed next to her, pulling her back to my chest.

"what if your family comes?"

"just focus on sleep right now babe. everything ready for when they get here."


<>maggies pov<>

i woke up hearing one of the girls crying, so i got up.

"adley, whats wrong?"

i picked her up and comforted her, "everything good?"

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