girls girls girls

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road games for the boys meant a girls party for us!

this time our moms are coming into town, for a fun girls weekend.

"when is mom getting here?" mitch asked.

"i think 3ish."

"so ill be gone by then." he sighed.

"well duh, its a girls weekend, not a girls plus mitch weekend."

"haha you're so funny." he said sarcastically.

"im the funniest person i know mitchell."

"how does auston put up with you?" he asked.

"how does auston put up with you?" i asked back.

he looked over at the twins in their high chairs. "theres two that will be like you."

"you mean 2 beautiful ladies?" i smiled.

he sighed, "yes. my 2 beautiful nieces."

"mitch i thought you had to be there at 10:30?" steph asked.

"thats a suggestion." he shrugged.

"auston?" i said.

"yeah babe?"

"you're gonna miss the plane."

i saw him walk into the living room with a suitcase, "would that be a bad thing? i mean if i miss it i get to stay here with you." he suggested.

"it would be a bad thing because its a girls weekend, so i wont be spending it with you." i said & steph cheered

"oh steph, i gotta show you something."

mitch and steph went back to their room, leaving auston & i in the kitchen.

"my cards in your wallet, buy you something cute that i can take you on a date in." auston said, pulling me in for a hug.

"you could just take me in the new car." i insisted.

"i definitely can, but i cant take the car into the restaurant and show it off like i can show you off."

his hands went to my hips but his right hand inched towards my butt, "dont press your luck."

"but ill be gone for 4 days." he pouted.

"and ill be here with you get home." i said, patting his chest.

he leaned down to whisper in my ear, "we get home late sunday so why dont you stay at my
place so we can have some us time?"

"you know id hate to ruin the idea of you getting me naked but, theres a certain friend visiting this week and she ruins the fun." i said back.

he glanced at his watch, "think we got time?"

"go to your game." i laughed, patting his hip.

"kiss?" he asked

i stood on my tippy toes and pecked his lips as i heard mitch & steph come back in.

"i love you, play good, be safe." i smiled.

"i love you too."

he said bye to the twins and steph & i finally got the boys out the door.

"finally!" she cheered.

i cleaned the girls up from breakfast and let them walk around for a little while i folded laundry on the kitchen table.

steph came and sat in a chair.

"hey, ive got a question, i hope this doesn't make you upset but, will the girls call auston dad?"

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