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"stephs babysitting tonight." i said.

"why?" maggie asked, giving me a questionable look.

"teenage dream."

"teenage dream?"

"teenage dream." i said again.

"were in our 20's but tell me more?"

"when you got drunk the other night you said you wanted to go skinny dipping, star gazing, be free. you know, live that young, wild, & free teenage dream"

maggie didn't really get the normal teenage years. with foster care & being adopted by her aunt, she poured everything she had into her school work, leaving no time for fun. no time for her to live the best years of her life staying up late, skipping class, and getting in trouble.

"i didnt say that."

"sober you didnt, but drunk you did." i laughed.

"sober me isnt going skinny dipping in the open with you." she clarified.

"what if i buy a house with a pool?" i bargained.

"i think this house is good enough."

"well now you got me wanting a pool."

"so now you're going to get a pool?" she asked.

"i mean, can i get you naked in it?"

"auston!" she giggled. "gosh babe, why do you think about me naked all the time?"

"undress & stand in front of a mirror and ill show you why."

"auston matthews, that's enough." she blushed

"at least let me take you star gazing."

she smiled & shook her head a little, "im in."

i started cheering and jumping up and down.

"wear something comfy!"

a few hours later, when steph got to house, maggie & i left with a bag of junk food.

i drove to a park where we ate the snacks & drank coke.

laughing our asses off as each other.

we lost track of time when steph texted me because maggie left her phone at the house.

i looked up at maggie who was yawning.

"gosh its 10:30, we gotta head home." i said.

"drive safely."

the drive home is about 45
minutes, i reached over and placed my hand inbetween her thighs.

"were almost home."

one of the best things about dating maggie is that she's used to going to bed around 9:30-10, so when we go on dates she doesn't want to go out and party...except for the other night when her & steph got drunk at home while mitch & i watched the girls.

no, she wants dinner, dessert, & maybe a movie, then she'll curl up in the passenger seat on the way home & i get to carry her inside to bed.

i parked in the garage, turned the car off & got out, walking around to the passenger side, opening the door.

i pick her up and carried her bridal style into the house.

"hey." steph said softly.

she saw me carrying maggie and she smiled, standing up from the couch.

"you can head home." i said softly back. "thank you again!"

"yeah, of course."

i locked the door behind her before carrying maggie to our room.

i laid her on the bed and she helped me change her.

i picked her up again and laid her bed, covering her body with the comforter.

"thanks for tonight babe." she said, her hand softly touching my cheek.

"lets do it again sometime."

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