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"my first game is against columbus so ill be out for 2 days, but steph will be here." mitch said, as we sat on the living room. "oh and auston will be with me."

i sat on the floor with my back against the couch, austin laying on the couch behind me and mitch laying hid head on stephs lap next to us on the couch.

weve done this every time theyve come home from training camp this week.

i fake gasped, "its like you guys are on the same team!"

"oh shut up!" he said, hitting me with a pillow. "ill kick you out."

"and ill dump you." steph said, taking my side


"auston dont take their side, were a team dude." mitch complained

"im not messing with her." auston pointed to me then mattie & adley. "look at what she made & pushed out of her body."

"stop it." i laughed

i watched as the girls crawled around the floor or kind of crawling, "can you believe that theyll be walking in a few months?"

adley crawled to mitch and he picked her up, "adley taylour! you're supposed to stay little forever! you cant grow up because then you'll have to go to school and i wont see you as much, then youll get a boyfriend and i dont want that, especially if he's like that one over there-" mitch pointed to auston making us laugh.

"theres always room for improvement."

"yeah... 25 years of improvement im sure theres still room." mitch joked

"you're so hateful." auston commented, as he played with my hair and i gently removed his hand from doing so.

"what do i need to do to baby proof the house?" mitch asked

"lots." i laughed.

"me & maggie can tackle that while you guys are gone."

"are you sure you can handle that?"

"i think were both capable of doing it." i nodded.

"mattie are you sleepy sister?" i asked when i saw her yawn. "its not nap time yet.

i picked her up and hugged her, "i think it should be nap time." mitch yawned

"i second." auston agreed

i held mattie and she actually fell asleep in my arms while the 4 of us talked.

"adleys out."

"i guess i can go lay them down so you two can nap."

i stood up and gently took adley from mitch and walked to there bedroom, as mitch & steph walked the opposite direction of me to their room.

"you got em?" auston asked

"yeah, ill sit in here with them so you can sleep in my bed." i smiled.

i placed the girls in their cribs while auston leaned on the door frame. "you're funny if you think ill take a nap in your bed without you."

he held out his hand which i took and he embraced me.

"i need to-"

"no you dont need to do anything but take a nap." he said.

"fine." i said, giving in.

he picked me up causing me to laugh but i covered my mouth to keep from waking the girls up.

he closed their bedroom door and walked into my bed room.

gently laying me on the bed, i crawled to my pillow and got tucked in, while auston closed the curtains.

"you gonna sleep that far from me, with your back to me?"

i rolled my eyes.

"fine be the way, i hope you get cold." he said.

"shh, sleep." i hushed him.


i woke up, my back pressed against austons chest, his arms around me, "shh, sleep."

"are the girls up?"

"nope, i just checked on them."

"what time is it?"

"4:50." auston said.

"they'll be up soon." i said, rolling over onto my stomach.

he placed his hand on my exposed back.

"careful auston." i warned.


his hand slide off me back and i sighed, "sorry i struggled with physical touch."

"dont be sorry, i can show my affection in other ways."

"can you now?"

"yep, im making dinner tonight!"

"what are we having?"


i looked at him and smiled, "you & mitch cooking?"

"yep." he nodded.

"how many times will the house almost burn down?" i joked

"oh youre rude, maggie marner!" we laughed.

"youve never seen me rude."

i moved towards auston, "i dont think i want too."

"ill try my best to not show you."

i looked over at the baby monitor on the side table because i would here the girls babbling to each other

"shh, listen to them." i told auston

we got silent as we listened to the talk and laugh, "they're so cute."


<>austons pov<>

"game day baby!" mitch cheered as i entered the house.

"mitchell." maggie warned.

"my bad." he put his hands up in defense.

"why are you here?" steph asked auston.

"to get your lover boy."

steph & i laughed, "alright im ready baby." mitch joked

"lets go man." auston said.

mitch kissed steph goodbye as they hugged, "good luck babe, love you. be safe."

auston looked at me, "good luck, play good." i said giving him a thumbs up.

he laughed & hugged me before mitch hugged me.

"give the girls a kiss from me!" mitch said before leaving.

"go before you guys are late."

they finally left after mitch kissed steph again, once steph closed the door she looked at me, "girl party!"

steph quickly became the sister i never had growing up, as well as the best friend i never had growing up.

i was so worried about her not liking me, to the point that i felt like a burden on her with the twins but shes never made me feel that way since i really got to know her.

"what do you say we paint the whole house pink?"

"with sparkles?" i asked and she high fived me.

"girls day!"

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