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we arrived at this big beach house. too big for 2 adults & 2 babies.

auston got the girls inside while i carried a few bags in, "dont worry about those right now, lets go see the beach!"

we carried the girls out back, about 70 yards from the water, we set the girls in the sand.

"home sweet home." auston smiled.

"for the week." i joked.

he pulled out a set of keys, "no, home sweet home babe. welcome home to our vacation house."

my mouth fell open, "stop, you're lying auston!"

"whats the next dream of yours that i can make come true?"

for the girls to have a dad.

be the girls dad, auston taylour matthews.

i hugged him and cried in his arms, "those better be happy tears, maggie!"

"im so happy." i wiped my tear, pulling away and looked at the girls as they stared at the waves, "look at them."

he wiped my tears, with his thumb, before pulling me in to kiss him.

"you wanna see the house?"

"yes." i nodded.

we each picked up a girl and walked in, i followed him around the house, "wait why does this say you are my sunshine?" i asked, seeing the flag in the kitchen.

"ive had 4 months to plan this surprise, so ive been in contact with different people to get the house to match your dream the best i could, ive had interior designers heres and with alex's help we found your pinterest board so that helped. alex and breyana have been here some too helping."

"you're so thoughtful!" i hugged him

"i try." he laughed.

we continued to walk around, "this is the girl's nursery but they will each have their own room on the second floor when they get older." he opened the door and my jaw dropped.

"guest room, and then all the way over here on the other side of the house, master bedroom." he said opening the door.

i looked around and walked to the patio, "oh my gosh."

i had tears in my eyes, "look we can sit here and drink our coffee in the a.m."

he paused and looked at me, "why do you say a.m. & not just morning?"

"because thats your initials, so when i miss you while you're away i think 'in the a.m., ill see my a.m.'"

he smiled big and pulled me in for a hug.

"i cant wait to spend every a.m. with you maggie."

he kissed my head and i smiled.

"can we see the rest of the house now?" i asked.


we went upstairs, "they're rooms arent decorated for them, we still have a some years before they're in their own rooms, so for now this is where alex & bre stayed. but this is a living area, i like it because when they're older they have they're own floor, they're own space. theres a half bath, and the girls room have a jack and jill bathroom."

"im speechless, auston."

"like a good speechless, i hope right?" he asked.

"yeah. thats it." i wiped my happy tears.

i looked out the window from the upstairs living room, i placed adley down.

"i dont know what to say auston. i was just expecting a week vacation, not a vacation house."

"i fell in love with you the first day we met, maggie. if you want the moon, ill get you the moon. if the girls want me to dye my hair purple, ill dye my hair purple." he stated.

"i never thought it was possible to love someone, the way i love you." i cried.

he hugged me again, i rested my head in his chest. "im proud of you maggie. i can see how much trust youve given me, even when you didn't want too. i know i dont know everything that happened in your past relationship, and i dont need too, i just need the old you back that mitch would tell me stories about, and i see her coming back."

i pulled away and looked at him, "what stories did mitch tell you?"

he chuckled, "only the good ones."

"oh my." i breathed. "you sure those didn't scare you away?"

"no i think the roommate story is pretty funny." he said.

"thats a good one." i laughed "the fake relationship ones good too."

"i can't believe you told a guy that you where dating your brother." he laughed.

"hey, that guy just wanted in my pants so i had to do something & i knew mitch would go along with it. lets just say i didn't go to many parties after that."


auston & i had gotten the girls to bed, and we sat on the deck that was connected to the master bedroom.

we both sat in silence for several minutes and watched the sunset.

"i think im ready auston." i said.

"ready for what?"

"to move in with you." i said.

"really?" he asked surprised.

"yeah, there was a part of me that didn't trust you but, im all in now. you have my full trust auston."

"aw babe."

he stood up and picked me up before sitting back down with me in his lap.

"im in love with you maggie." he admitted.

"you're my dream auston matthews." i said.

"can i make you maggie matthews one day?"

"i think we can arrange that." i smiled, leaning into kiss him.

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