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"yeah?" i asked, looked up from feeding the girls.

"austons here, and he wants to talk."

"oh, um-"

"you dont have too, but if you do, do it in the house so i know you're safe." sheph said.

"yeah. can you feed them?"

she switched me places and i walked to the front door, opening it to see auston.


"hey." i said back.

"can we go somewhere and talk?"

i looked down at my feet and back up at him, "right here looks perfect."

"i was thinking somewhere more private, like your bedroom or my car."

"right here." i said again.

he sighed, his hair was a mess & i knew he had just gotten out of practice.

"im going to take care of you, you know that right?" auston started.

"its hard to believe auston."

"how is that so hard to believe maggie?"

"because you called me a bitch auston and i fucking cried myself to sleep because i felt like a family and you threw it all away!"

"and im sorry. i didnt know that me treating you to something would make you so upset." he said.

i saw mitchs car pull into the driveway, "coach made us talk today and sort things out between us."

"im glad." i said sarcastically.

"can we try again? i love you & you know ill take care of you & the girls." he said.

i moved out of the way to let mitch in the house, "i know you will but that doesn't make up from what you said."

"nothing i can do or say will ever make up from what i said. i know it wont. i also know that you're so stubborn that youll hold it above my head forever."

"alright." i nodded.

"can you say anything else?"

"i dont know what to say." i said

"at least give me something." he begged.

"im trying auston!" i said, raising my voice. "its hard. you dont understand and you never will."

"im sorry."

"i know you are."

"maggie, i dont want to lose you."

"can i come in?" he asked

"call me in the morning." i smiled.

"we play tomorrow at 2 so we leave early."

"so text me. bye auston." i said closing the door

"dont do this maggie." he said.


"are you and auston still dating?" steph asked

"yeah, we never said otherwise."

were staying up waiting on mitch to get home from his game.

"do you still like him?"

"yeah, i think he'll always have a place in my heart."

"thats so sweet. i just dont get how you can say that after what he said. girl if that was mitch id cut him off so fast!" she said.

"you know, ive been through a lot and austons the first guy i truly loved." i said honestly.

"maggie, you deserve the world!" she smiled "youre so positive and such a great mother! i wanna be you."

i laughed, "please girl! when i met you i wanted to be you! you're so pretty & funny!"

"see i think i should dump mitch and we should run away and get married!"

"deal!" i laughed.

we heard the front door open, so we looked in its direction, waiting for mitch.

"i dont know if they're still up." mitch said.

stephs head whipped around and looked at me, "um babe?"

"oh you guys are up." mitch said walking in with auston right behind him.

auston had a blank look on his face, "why?" i whispered.

"did you guys watch the game?" mitch asked, sitting on the couch like nothing was wrong.

auston came and sat by me, "yeah, we did."

"ot winner baby!" mitch cheered.

i looked at him, "dont you dare wake the girls up."

"my apologizes."

mitch and auston made us listen to them talk about the game, like we didn't just watch the entire game!

"well, im exhausted so im going to bed."

"be right there." steph said to mitch.

"you two good?" she asked.

"yeah." i nodded.

"call if you need me."

she walked to her & mitchs room, leaving auston & i on the couch.

"you should go get some rest." i said.

"i haven't been able to sleep well without you."

i looked down, "is this your way of getting in my bed tonight?"

"i was hoping." he said.

"look at me. i love you with my whole heart but if you say what you said to me again, its over and mitch will have your head on a platter, got that?"

"got it. my mom slapped me when she got in the car the other day. i learned my lesson." he said.

"im glad, because id hate to see you dead." i laughed.

"lets go to bed." he said, pulling me off the couch and kissing my head.

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