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i sat on the big kitchen island with twins in their bumbo seats as i fed them an early snack, because they didn't eat breakfast.

auston leaned on the counter, "i love this view."

i looked up out the window, seeing the waves roll in, "i feel like im in a dream. its so perfect here & ill never get used too it."

auston kissed my cheek making me smile.

"i love you."

"i love you so much, youll never know auston!"

"oh i think you could show me."

"its 9am, calm down." i laughed

there was a knock at the door and i gave auston a puzzled look, "why would someone be here?"

"neighbor's welcoming us maybe?" he said walking over to the door.

i heard it open and people walk in, after a few seconds steph walked in with mitch.

"oh my goodness!" she said looking around. "look at this place!"

she saw my face and laughed, "surprise!"

"what are you doing here?" i asked shocked, hopping off the counter and hugging her.

steph is my comfort person now. after multiple nights without the guys at home, weve had many sleepovers together & have a sister like bond.

steph looked at auston with a huge smile on her face before turning back to me, "were gonna go have a girls day!" she said, jumping.


"lets go get you ready!"

"what?" i repeated.

"just go have fun, take some hours off from being a mom & enjoy being at your happy place with your favorite person." auston said.

"okay." i smiled.

steph & i went to my room, "what are we doing?" i asked.

"shopping, lets get our nails done, do you want to dye your hair?" she asked.

"not really."

"okay, um, shop & eat & shop & get our nails done & shop." she smiled.


i changed into a light pink flowy sun dress with sandals.

steph helped curl my hair and put in some makeup.

"look ag you girl! i love this look!" she smiled.

she makes me feel so beautiful!

"stop it."

"can i come in?" mitch asked.

"yeah." we said in sync.

mitch walked, "before you leave lets go see the view outback."

steph and mitch left the room, i did some last finishing touches before i walked out of the bedroom and over to the kitchen.

"damn mama." auston said.

i spun around and smiled, "you look gorgeous baby."

"thank you."

he kissed the top of my head, "did you plan this?"

"a little, but it was really steph. she wants to have a funday with you, not in toronto."

mattie walked up to me and hugged my leg, i picked her up, "matts you are going to have so much fun with auston & uncle mitch."

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