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<>austons pov<>

"maggie, wake up." i had just gotten home from an away game, its like 5am.

she hummed in response.

i gently picked her up, she wrapped her legs around my waist and laid her head on my shoulder.

i walked through the house and into the garage, "are we going somewhere? are the girls in the car?" she asked, not picking her head up.

"no i just wanted to show you something?"

"this couldn't wait till the afternoon? its freezing in here babe."

"it'll be quick, i promise, just look." i said.

she picked her head up off my shoulder and opened her eyes, giving them time to adjust.

"not at me, behind you."

i turned to where she could see.

"oh my god auston." she smiled.

i went to set her down, "no no dont, the floors cold and i dont have shoes on."

i carried her to the drive side door and set her in the car, "oh my god babe. new carseats too?" she squealed.

"yeah." i nodded.

she leaped from the seat to me, wrapping her legs around me and hugging me.

"thank you babe!"

i had one arm around her and my other hand was on the back of her head, "thank you."

"merry late christmas babe." i laughed.

"im beyond excited but can we please go back to bed now?" she asked.

"yeah." i chuckled.

"where did you hide the car?"

"mitchs house, thats why i had you stay here."

i carried her back to bed and got comfy next to her.

"i love you auston."

"i love you too." i smiled.

"you're everything ive dreamed for my girls!" she said.

"what about for you?"

"you're everything ive dreamed of for myself too. but youre a great father figure for the girls and they love you. i can see the light in your eyes when you're with them. and if im being honest, when i met you i thought you would be stuck up & rude. boy was i wrong, i never thought you would be as caring & loving as you are. you jumped right in to help me with the girls when mitch & steph went on vacation without a second thought." she yawned, her voice was a whisper. "i never thought we'd make it this far, i didn't even think we would have a first date, but now 2 dates, met your family & i stay at your house occasionally and i can't express how much i love you, because its so big, like bigger than the ocean!"

i chuckled at her illusion, "maggie i love you too & i hope you know that id do anything for you. anything to make you happy & smiling & laughing. i didn't expect to fall in love with you either, at first i was nervous because you had kids but now i wouldn't have it any other way. i love seeing the joy your girls give you, i cant wait for when the girls get a little  older and they can really experience christmas & their birthday. and i promise to take you & the girls to the beach. the beach is your happy place & mine is being with you, so ill go with you anytime... actually lets go to the beach for the girls birthday, how does that sound?"

i waited for a response, "babe?" i asked again

wow i just confessed my love for her and she is asleep.


i watched maggie wipe down the countertop while making a cup of coffee, wearing one of my shirts.

i walked up behind her, patting her hip and leaning on the counter.

"i thought that you would be mad at me for buying you the car."

"i knew you where going too, i just didn't know when, so i had time for it to set in and not be mad at you." she smiled.

"that sucks."

"why?" she asked, looking at me.

"i was hoping for some mad sex."

she laughed, "not today babe. today is not that day."

"soon?" i asked.

"go to practice auston."

"yes ma'am, love you." i said kissing her cheek.

"love you too, be safe."

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