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"how do you always manage to look so beautiful?"

i looked down at what i was wearing, "auston, im in a sweater that has baby food on it and my hairs in a messy bun. dont lie to me."

"thats what im saying, you look beautiful in anything."

"stop, you're too much." i laughed.

we played with the girls on the floor before it was their nap time, i picked up both girls and walked to their room, "woah, can i not help?"

i forgot that some men are good for a second. "i didn't know you wanted too." i lied.

he followed me as i placed them in their separate cribs, i turned on the sound machine and closed the curtains, before shutting the door and walking out.

"i dont know about you but im taking a nap." i said quietly.

"can i join?"

"i guess." i said unsure.

i closed the curtains in my room and laid down with auston.

he pulled me towards him and my body stiffened. his touch making me uneasy but i have to remember that hes going to be touchy.

i want to believe that auston is good.

"oh im sorry." he said, moving away from me.

"no its fine."

"no, its okay. you just take a nap." he said getting up.

"auston come back. im fine."

"you sure? like 110% sure?"

"yes, im sorry. i wasn't prepared for that, come lay down."

he walked back to my bed and got under the covers.

i made myself get closer to him, wrapping my arm around him.

"dont force this maggie, i will love you either way. i can see how bad you want this but you dont have to force it for me, move at your own pace."

"thank you." i smiled.


i woke up to a baby crying so i got up and walked over to their room.

i walked in and quickly grabbed mattie before she woke adley up.

i laid her in bed with auston and i for a little, just so i could rest longer.

mattie started crying again, waking auston up.

"which ones up?"

"mattie." i answered.

"come here matties."

he hugged her as i felt her head, "i think shes sick, here let me see her. we dont need you getting sick as well."

steph ended up going with me to take the girls to the doctor, since they both started running a fever by dinner time. and the twins have the flu.

we were cleared to go home with some medicine.

"how are they?" mitch asked

"they got flu." i sighed.


"great question, im wondering the same thing myself."

i got the girls out of their carseats and into their high chairs, "i doubt they want to eat but, we have to try."

dinner was a disaster, the girls cried, threw their food, mattie is so stuffy that shes cried for the past hour, and adley threw up.

i gave them a lukewarm bath to cool them down before putting them in bed.

auston hugged me in the doorway, "you go shower. i can watch them."

"its fine, i can shower later."

i tried walking away from him but he pulled me back. "i dont think you heard me, go take a shower and relax. you deserve it."

i nodded my head and walked to my room.

i turned the shower on and stripped before getting, relaxing my body.

i took a long shower, much longer than my normal 5 minute showers, dried off and got dressed.

i walked into my bed and saw auston in my bed, "auston you should go home, i dont want you getting sick." i said.

"ill be fine. plus if i get sick thats more time i get to spend with you."

"thats not a good idea auston." i laughed.

i walked towards him and looked down at him, "you dont need to miss games."

"but games make me miss you."

i could feel my cheeks heating up.

"lay with me before i go home?" he asked.

"i guess."

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