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raising the girls without their father in their life would be a challenge, but mitch stepped in to make it not as difficult.

plus now we have auston.

sadly though, auston went home last night but came back this morning and pulled me closer to him in bed but i pushed him away.

as soon as we got close, i close back up.

i apologized & apologized & apologized, but i know we have to work our way back to where we where.

steph and i started decorating the girls nursery, when i moved in it was just a room with 2 cribs, a rocking chair, dresser, & a changing table.

i didn't having enough money to decorate it like i wanted to but steph insisted on paying for it, and i told her that i was fine with the room they way it was but she wanted it girly.

it did give us s fun day to hang out and get to know each other, so now with the boys gone we get to decorate!

"the girls feeling better?"

"i think, their fevers are gone, but they're tired & wont eat much so im just trying to force fluids at this point."

"i see. i hope you know what i become a mom that i will be calling you every 17 minutes to ask you questions." she laughed

"oh please, call bonnie! dont call me." i joked.

"so you & auston?" she asked.

"oh." i laughed.

"tell me!" she urged.

"what do you want to know?"

"you two showered the other night?"

i turned to look at her, "how do you know that?"

she giggled, "because mitch went to ask auston a question because he wasn't answering his text and he came back and said "um im pretty sure theyre in the shower together right now." so we know."

"yeah. he suggested that i take a shower to relax and i asked if he wanted to join. i dont know, he sees me tense up when he hugs me or when he pulls me closer in bed, plus i just needed a moment with him-"

"what kinda moment?" she asked

"not a 3rd kid moment!" i laughed "just a relaxing moment, we might of kissed a few times."

"woah woah woah, let me get this straight, you went from jumping when he hugged up, to taking a shower with him & kissing...while in the shower?" she asked and i nodded.

"but we landed right back in square one today when he pulled me closer in bed & i pushed him away. its hard going from one guy who was so awful to me, even before the girls, to auston who is working with me. like auston truly cares...he does right?"

she laughed at my panic, "yes, he does. he is a very caring guy. i got sick last season and he brought me soup, not mitchell! auston! i can see the way he loves you too, and the girls. he's one of the good ones maggie."

"so we should date?" i asked

"and get married so i can be at the wedding! ill be on the dance floor!" she said dancing.

"girl, please! youll be my maid of honor!"

"no way! you haven't known me that long."

"you're my only lady friend, stephy." i said.

"we gotta get you out more." she laughed

"yeah, want me to bring the twins to the club?" i joked

"the wags are practically babysitters for eachother!" she informed me.

we laughed, but the room went silent as we continued to decorate.

"maggie matthews. your initials wouldn't change so thats a positive. is the girls last name marner?"


"so theirs won't either. it's destiny maggie! go for it! i mean youve seen each other naked already!"

"woah man, i didn't look & the lights where off so." i laughed

"you didn't look? you liar!" she pointed at me.

"i really didnt. i wouldn't want him examining my body so i didn't look. i just undressed with my back to him & got in the shower."

"you shower in the dark too?"

i nodded, "best way to shower!"

"mitch thinks im weird for it!" she said.

"no, mitch is the weird one sweetheart." i said. "it's mitchell. it will never be you."

"i swear talking to you i feel like ive known you since the sixth grade!" she laughed

"which is why youll be my maid of honor."

auston: in dallas, yee haw!

maggie: howdy partner

auston: partner? i like the sound of that. howdy honey

maggie: when will you be home?

auston: miss me already?

maggie: yeah. guess ill have to cuddle my pillow tonight...

auston: early morning like in the a.m., and ill come over.

auston: why dont you think about moving in with me? i dont need an answer anytime soon, but just a thought for ya.

maggie: im happy here, thank you though 🤍

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