Just like always

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Ollie and her friends boarded the horseless carriages. She was with her boys in one, and the others were in a different carriage. The boys joked with each other, while Ollie listened and laughed, occasionally pitching in. Her mind was on the added note on her Hogwarts letter, to bring formal attire.

When they arrived at the school, the upperclassmen shuffled into the hall, sitting at the tables in silently decided places. Ollie sat with her friends, of course, but Pierre managed to catch her eye and gave her a grin. She returned it, brushing a piece of hair away from her face.

After a moment, McGonagall was filing small children into the hall. She then placed the raggedy Sorting Hat on a small wooden stool that Filch scurried in to place. Then, the rip at the brim of the Hat ripped open, and it broke into the annual Sorting song.

After it finished, everyone in the Hall applauded. McGonagall cleared her throat. "Abbot, Linsay," she called, and a little blonde girl nervously stepped over. McGonagall dropped the ragged hat on the girl's head, which deliberated for a moment before roaring, "HUFFLEPUFF!"

Nobody cheered louder than the Hufflepuff table, but all through the hall people were politely clapping for the girl. After her, McGonagall went all the way through the list, finishing with "Zabini, Irene," who was a Slytherin.

Afterward, Dumbledore stood at his seat in the center of the teacher's table. "I do have a few important words to say, but those can wait. Now, eat, all of you!"

And with a clap of his old hands, the golden platters were filled with rich and decadent foods. Everyone immediately pounced on the opportunity, Ollie helping herself to roast potatoes and chicken, chatting merrily with her boys and dormmates.

After about half an hour of eating, Dumbledore clapped his hands once more, regaining the attention of the stuffed teenagers. "Now, I'm sure you all are wondering about any announcements about this year. Those of you fourth years and above, you may have noticed an added note to your letters this year."

"We will be having our quad-annual Yule Ball this year. Some of our older students may recall hearing about this in years past, and a few of you may have attended. You will get more information as it approaches. Also, new students are reminded that the Forbidden Forest is, as I'm sure you can assume, off-limits to anyone who does not wish to die a most painful death. Now, with all that said, Prefects lead your Houses to your common rooms and have a good night everyone!"

After Dumbledore's speech, every student in the hall stood up. Seeing that the next day was, after all, a Thursday, meaning they did have classes that day, Ollie knew she should make sure she got a good night's rest. However, she was back with her boys, and a good night's sleep may be the reasonable, smart thing to do, but it was rather boring. Regardless, they followed the cloud of first years surrounding Lily and Remus, and up to the Gryffindor common room they went.

Once there, Ollie sat down on the couch with her boys. "So," Sirius said, breaking the awkward quiet that had befallen the teens. "First day back."

"Yeah," James said. "Now, I'm all for having fun on our first night, but we have classes tomorrow, so we should all-"

"I'm going to go unpack, then I'll crash in your dorm," Ollie interrupted. "Just like always."

James sighed. "Fine, but we're going to bed before midnight. Don't want anyone to fall asleep in class on our first day, do we?"

"If school starts in the middle of the week, they're always half days. You know this James, we'll be fine," Remus pointed out. "Anyway, let's go up and unpack. We'll be in our dorm, Ollie."

"Alright," the girl said, standing up and giving them a smile before disappearing up the girls' stairs.

After a few minutes during which Ollie unpacked her things, a soft knock on the door to the boys' dorms drew their attention. Moments after, it was opened by a grinning Sirius.

"Fancy seeing you here, Ollie," he said, pulling her into the dormitory.

Ollie giggled, immediately flopping onto James's bed beside the boy. "Looking fit, as per usual," he joked, nudging her slightly. He was, of course, making fun of her nightclothes; a pair of flannel pants with James's old tee shirt.

"Oh, can it, James," she replied, shoving him back.

"Well, I must say it is good to be back," Remus said, stretching out on his bed. "Wouldn't you all agree?"

"Definitely," Peter said, sitting cross-legged on his bed with his hands in his lap and his shoulders rigid. "I missed you guys over the summer."

"I moved in with James after the wedding," Sirius blurted out. "I just- I couldn't take it anymore, you know? Anyway, James, your mum's a dear."

"I'll be sure to tell her that when I owl her next," James said, smiling. "Just in case she didn't get the message the thousand other times you said that to her."

"What can I say, I'm appreciative," Sirius responded, shrugging before breaking into a grin.

All of them laughed, just happy to be together again. As they all looked at each other, they knew that nothing would ever come between them.

"We ought to get to bed," James said, laying down.

"I suppose we ought to," Remus grumbled. "Goodnight, guys."

"G'night," Sirius called out as he lied down on his bed as well.

"Night!" Peter said, also curling up under his covers.

"Goodnight," Ollie said, climbing under the covers on James's four-poster.

"Goodnight," James echoed, putting his arm around Ollie and blowing out the candle. "I love you guys."

And just like that, the Marauders spent the first night of their sixth year together. Just like they always would.

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Happy Birthday, Ollie! just a cute chapter before we get into the next major subplot. I love you guys, happy late valentines, also I have gf, bye, atlas ❤️

991 words

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