"I'm sorry, too."

18 1 2

"Are you ready?" Sirius asked. Ollie was sitting on the back of the chair, her friend braiding her hair.

"For what? Hogsmeade?" she replied, tilting her head back to giggle at Sirius.

"For your date," Sirius answered, giggling back.

It was super early in the morning, and the sun had yet to rise. Sirius and Olivia were the only two people in the common room, and Sirius wanted to play with Ollie's hair. 

"It's not a date, Sirius."

"Okay," Sirius said, teasingly.

Ollie couldn't help but giggle at that. "It's not a date."

"Are you sure?" Sirius added.

"Yes, I am," Olivia replied. "We're both interested in different people."

Sirius's mouth fell open. "Who?"

"Me and James? We're both interested in a different person?" Ollie answered, somewhat confused. "I literally just said that."

"No, no, no. Who are you interested in, and why did I not know about that?" Sirius clarified his inquiry.

"O-oh. I think I'm not going to tell you that."

"Prove that it's not a date," Sirius said, challenging his friend. Ollie jumped off the back of the chair and into the chair proper. She then stood up and stepped over to Sirius. She looked up at him.

She reached up and put her hands on his cheeks. She pulled his face down and stood on her own toes. Their faces were a few inches apart- an inch apart- each other's breath was warm on the other's faces. Closing their eyes, their lips met.

Olivia Sato kissed Sirius Black.

It was a nice kiss, to be sure. Sirius's lips were soft, as were Olivia's. They melted into each other, and it felt like floating. Olivia couldn't help but smile a bit as she pulled away. Her first real kiss- not one on her hand, not one on the tip of her nose. A real, passionate lip lock. Sirius tasted sweet and minty, like toothpaste. 

"See, it's not a date," Olivia said after a few moments of peaceful bliss.

"Do you wanna make it one?" Sirius replied, smirking.

"Not with James, no."

"With me, Ollie. Do you want to go on a date with me, Ollie?"

Ollie suddenly realized what she'd done. She broke away from Sirius, and stumbled back. "Tell James that I can't do today-"

"Are you alright-"

"I'm going to be sick," Ollie said, running into the bathroom in the girl's dorms. She kneeled on the ground, vomiting intensely in the toilet.

"Ollie? You in there?" Marlene said, knocking on the door. She sounded worried.

"Come in," Olivia replied, her throat hurting from the acid. Marlene opened the door and saw what was going on.

"Oh my god, are you gonna be alright?" she said frantically.

Ollie shook her head. "No, I don't think I will." Tears brimmed in her eyes. "I kissed him," she whispered.

"Kissed who?" Marlene whispered back.

"Sirius," Ollie said quietly.

"Oh my god. You- you kissed him?"

Olivia nodded, running her fingers through her hair. This undid the braid that Sirius had been working on, which just made it worse. "I kissed him. I kissed him breathless."

"Oh," Marlene said, shocked. "So, um... You like him?"

"No. No, no, I- I can't. He told me to 'prove that it wasn't a date.' Me and James were going to go hang out in Hogsmeade today. As friends. And he was teasing me and I just-"

"If you didn't like him, what would you have done, though?"

Olivia replied, "I don't know. I'd... I'd have smacked him over the head and told him he was being ridiculous and that James was infatuated with Lily, and that I only saw James as a friend and only would see James as a friend, ever, but I didn't do that, Marlene, I didn't. I don't know why I didn't, but I didn't." She curled in on herself, feeling the weight of what she'd done on her chest.

"What's so bad about kissing Sirius?" Marlene asked, as if reading Ollie's mind. 

"Because- Because if I started dating Sirius, or any one of us five, then say it doesn't work out. There's a nasty breakup. Sirius and I refuse to be near one another. Well, James and Remus and Peter would have to choose to hang out with Sirius, or with me. They would have to pick sides. And we- None of us wants to have to choose one over another. It would tear our friendship apart," Olivia explained.

"Oh. I get it. You don't want your friends to have to pick."


"Well, hardly anyone else is awake. What can I do to help?"

Ollie looked at Marlene, her vision blurred from the tears. "Can- Can I get some tea? Or just water. Or anything to drink, really. Please?"

"Of course. Now you go to your bed. And if I pass James, should I tell him it's off?"

"I love you, Marlene. You're the best."

"Do I have to carry you to your bed? You need to relax. I'll bring you something to eat."

Ollie laughed and trudged to her bed, sitting up and performing small spells, levitating books, clothes, and anything in her proximity while Lily and Mary slept. Marlene had went to get some water and food for her friend.

In the common room, James and Sirius were, as usual, sitting by one another. Normally, it was carefree and comfortable, but something felt a bit off today. James looked a bit angry, and Sirius looked guilty.

"Hey, um, James?" Marlene said. James looked up at her, seemingly upset. "Ollie can't hang out with you today. She- Something happened. She's sick."

"I know what happened," James replied. "Tell her it's alright that she can't come, but that we need to talk."

Marlene looked a little surprised. "Who told you?"

"Sirius told me that he kissed Ollie. He said it was nice but that he shouldn't have."

"Ollie told me she kissed him. And- And she knows she shouldn't have, and she didn't ask me to tell you this, but she's sorry. I can tell. She knows why it's bad."

Sirius said, quietly, "I'm sorry too."


A/N: Oooh~ we're getting some drama~

Well, hope you enjoyed the chapter, and I'll see you later. I don't have anything else to say. Bye. ily @JustcallmeDinonugge - Cat < 3

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