Chapter 3

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I rested the side of my face on the table inside our room. This is the room for the bodyguards of the major clan. This is where he sleep, and this is where we get dress of course. Each room is preferably for two people to share. Before, I used to stay here alone since Pol and Arm shares the same room but not until Porche came. Now, I finally have a roommate that is pretty much like Master Tankhun but a little bit tolerable—at times.

I let out a loud and frustrated breath as I remember Boss Korn's new assignment to me.

Why?! Of all the bodyguards here, why did he chose me?! Why not Porche? Or Arm? Pol is also here! Heck! Even that Big and Ken can also be qualified right?!

Gosh this is making me crazy!

I lifted my head before messing my hair out of irritation. Last night, I can still clearly remember how I told myself I should stay away from Master Vegas. As far away as possible and then this happened.

Seriously? Am I that unlucky? What mistake could I possibly done in the past for me to be punished like this in my present life?

Master Vegas is scary... Well I mean, I haven't talked to him for a long time, just a little chit-chat whenever our paths would cross inside the house, but I think that's enough for me to assume that he's a walking danger? And also, according to Master Tankhun, Master Vegas is known for having a bad reputation! And that makes him even more scarier in my point of view.

I don't know why, but whenever I would see him, or whenever he's near, there's just something in him that makes me wanna run away from him.

"The hell is wrong with you?" I nearly jumped off my seat when out of nowhere, Porche appeared inside our room together with Pol—who's eating something I don't know and Arm—who's wearing his usual serious look. Man, this guy right here don't know how to smile I'm telling you.

"Why are you guys here? Where is Master Tankhun?" I asked before sitting straight.

Porche sat on his bed followed by Pol while Arm stayed standing in the middle of the room.

"He's still sleeping. So we still have some time to relax before he wake up again." Pol answered while munching his food making me wince in disgust. This man doesn't know proper etiquette does he?

"And what about you? What's wrong with you?" Porche asked while eyeing me from head to toe as I'd judging my whole appearance. This bastard.

"Boss Korn gave me a new assignment." I mumbled looking so down as ever.

Arm fixed his eyeglasses before asking, "What is it? Is it complicated? You think you might die from it?" He throws his every question with his serious face.

I looked at him flatly before showing my middle finger. He just rolled his eyes at me before motioning me to answer.

But some to think of it. I might really die from this assignment that Boss Korn assigned to me! Knowing I'll be entering the minor clan's territory—oh gosh! I don't even want to imagine it.

"What is it, Pete? Is it something dangerous?" Porche asked looking all serious right now.

"Uh..well, kinda?" I hesitated a bit.

"C'mon! Just tell us what is it and stop with the suspension!" Pol exclaimed.

I let out a deep breath before speaking. "Boss Korn appointed me to be Master Vegas' bodyguard."

Porche was left shock and couldn't even open his mouth to speak.

Pol took a deep breath before clasping his fingers together and closed his eyes like he's praying.

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