Chapter 35 (final chapter)

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3rd person

Vegas woke up pretty early that day. He don't have any scheduled meeting today and it's also his day off from work. He was originally planning to sleep until late in the afternoon but looks like his little brothers have a different plan.

Vegas looked at the clock on his bedside table and face palmed himself when he saw that it is just seven o'clock in the morning! This is not even his usual waking hour.

"What the hell is wrong with those two?" Vegas mumbled to himself before groaning.

He don't wanna leave his bed yet but he have to check on Venice and Macau. He can hear those two arguing from the kitchen.

Fuck! If I don't check what they're doing, they might burn the whole house down. I don't even know why they are lurking in the kitchen again when I already made myself clear when I told them not to enter that place ever again after they attempted to cook for our dinner before and it end up being a disaster.

With the feeling of being lazy early in the morning, Vegas stood up and was about to get up from his bed when he felt something different. Something is not right.

Vegas roamed his eyes around his room. He can't really pinpoint what it is but he can just feel like something changed in his room. But he can't tell what it is.

The hell? Am I dreaming or what? He mumbled to himself before pinching his cheeks but he just ended up grunting because he pinched it too hard.

Vegas then shrugged his shoulders. It's probably nothing. Maybe he just overslept that's why he's hallucinating. Or maybe he's still sleepy that's why his brain is still not functioning well.

Yeah. Maybe that's it.

Without fixing himself, he went downstairs and headed directly to where Venice and Macau are. Shrugging off that weird feeling inside him.

His hair is still messy and he's also scratching his eyes while walking towards the entrance of the kitchen.

He can now clearly hear Venice and Macau arguing about what breakfast they should make for him.

"But hia doesn't like anything sweet!" He heard Macau hissed at Venice who just scoffed at his brother.

"But I saw him ate a pancake with chocolate syrup before!" Venice insisted.

"Of course it was P'Pete who made those pancakes for him. Hia doesn't have the guts when it comes to P'Pete, you know! He's not that brave enough to say no to P'Pete so of course he'll eat those pancakes. Get it?" Macau explained.

"Oh! Hehe, I get it now. Looks like Hia Vegas is afraid of P'Pete." He heard Venice whispered to his hia Macau.

"Well, kinda. Hia can go against everyone but P'Pete..." Macau added.

Vegas shook his head before totally stepping inside the place.

Both Macau and Venice looked at his direction in shock when they saw him standing there in his pajama. Their eyes widened in surprise.

The hell is with their reaction? It's not like I'm a ghost or something?

"What are you two doing? Do you know that it's just seven in the morning? And yet here you are, arguing in the kitchen like you're the only person in this house. I'm tired from last night because I finished a meeting at pass midnight and I was planning to sleep until noon but you two ruined it for me! And didn't I already banned the two of you from cooking in this kitchen? So you don't wanna listen to me now? Is it that hard to follow my words?" Vegas scolded them.

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