Chapter 6

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I stirred up from my sleep when I felt the difficulty to breath. It feels like something is blocking my airway and as I slowly opened my eyes, I was in complete shock when I saw Khun Vegas on top of me.

I felt his lips leave mine and travelled down to my neck making my whole body shiver.

N-no, not right there!

I immediately pushed his body away from me but he's also quick enough to cage my hands and pin it against the side of my head.

I felt his teeth slowly scrapping against the skin of my neck making me lose my mind.

No, please, just stop.

"K-khun Vegas... No! Don't—uhh..." I bit my lower lip when a low moan escaped my mouth as Khun Vegas started nibbling and sometimes licking the length of my neck.

Oh fuck! What the hell is he doing... He have to stop!

Khun Vegas lifted his face, leveling with mine as I tried my best to struggle underneath him. But I don't know why I suddenly felt so weak right now. I couldn't even open my eyes properly. I felt so lost.. so lost with this feeling so unfamiliar to me.

My body tingled as I felt his fingers caressing my neck, his hot breath is fanning against my slightly parted lips.

"Pete, you have a pretty sensitive neck." He whispered before diving in the crook of my neck, sniffing and licking occasionally.

I let out a shaking breath. This is too much...I can't take this anymore. I might really lose my mind if this continues any further.

"K-khun Vegas you have to stop—haah..." A breathless moan made its way to my mouth when I felt his tongue on my left nipple—my clothes still on— slowly making circles around the area. It feels so sensitive right now that I couldn't help but to arch my back because of too much sensuality his tongue is giving me.

"Hahh.. K-khun Vegas, please.." I lifted my hand to push him away but I feel my whole body weakening as his right hand started playing with my other nipple from the outside of my shirt. His teeth now scrapping on the other one making me completely lost in pleasure.

"Ahh..stop..too much.." I mumbled.

I saw him lifted his face before cupping my face using his right hand. "Pete, you look so sexy right now. If only you can see your face."

He went to nibble my right ear making me breathless once again.

"I'm only stimulating your upper body... I'm not even starting yet you're already shaking like crazy..." Khun Vegas' hand slowly wrapped around my neck, my lips slowly parted in desperation to gather some air.

"I wonder what would happen if I already started fucking you hard..." I felt his hand other free hand slowly reaching towards that area. And before he could even hold it, my eyes opened in horror as I aggressively rose up from my sleep, panting so heavily. Sweat cascading on the side of my face.

I slowly removed the comforter covering my lower body and I almost hit myself when I saw that thing standing so proudly.

What the fuck?! Did I just have a fucking boner because of that dream?! And why the hell would I even dream about him...and me... almost doing that thing—Why?!

Fuck Pete! Are you crazy? What have gotten into your mind?

I absentmindedly touched my neck where I can vividly remember Khun Vegas' hand wrapped around it in my dream.

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