Chapter 26

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3rd person

Vegas woke up with a throbbing headache. He squint his eyes trying to adjust from the darkness surrounding him. He can smell the familiar scent of his room with the mixture of sweet fragrance that he would usually smell from a one specific person.

"Pete..." Vegas mumbled.

The moment his familiar face flashed in his mind, the memories from earlier came running in his head like a stream.


He didn't leave him right? Pete is still here with him. He's still here. He won't leave him just like that. Pete won't abandon him just like what his father did before.. he won't do that to him.

Pete...he's the only person who stayed with him throughout everything. He won't..he won't leave him.

"He won't leave me.." Vegas mumbled to himself before getting off of his bed. It was dark and he couldn't see properly but he still managed to reach the door. He didn't bother opening the lights for his main goal is to go out of his room to see Pete. Nothing else but him.

He knows...he believe he's out there waiting for him.

He's outside waiting for me.. you're waiting for me, right Pete? You promised me you won't leave me. You will be there the moment I open this door right? You'll be there waiting for me with those bright smile of yours right?

With his weak arm, Vegas twisted the doorknob open but to no avail. He tried once again but only get the same result.

The door was lock from the outside. He couldn't get out of here.

It's happening again...

He's being locked up again by his father. He's back in this hell again. He thought he finally freed himself and Macau from that bastard a long time ago, but here he is. Back in his cage once again.

His father really made sure he won't escape. That bastard...

Vegas fell on his feet, his back resting against the door. He was so tired. He didn't do anything much but he can feel his strength draining from his body like an empty lake running out of water due to lack of rain just like how he don't have Pete with him at this moment. And he don't even know when he's gonna see him again—or if there's still a chance to see him one more time.

Unconsciously, his tears started falling from his eyes with that thought. But Vegas didn't bother to wipe it off. He just let it fall just like how he let his emotions take over him.

He's all alone inside his room, darkness surrounding him. All he can hear is his heavy breathing and the fast beating of his heart.

He's all alone again..

He's back in this cage that his father tried to lock him up before. Vegas thought he finally escaped, but he's wrong. In fact, he could never escape his father.

How can he even free himself this time when his only key to freedom is nowhere to be found?

How can he break free when his only reason to run off, also run away from him?

"Pete..." Vegas' lips quivering because of how hard he's trying to suppress his cries.

Vegas messed his hair as tears keeps streaming down his cheeks.

"I need you... I need you so much Pete... Please come back to me... Pete... I need you." Those were the words that keeps on coming out from his mouth. Vegas keeps on chanting those words like those were the only thing he knew off. He looks like a pathetic man begging for someone to come back and hug him when the truth is, that someone couldn't even hear him.

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