Chapter 13

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3rd person

As Pete entered his room after a long day with Tankhun and Macau, he just randomly tossed the paper bag he have with him inside before throwing himself to the bed.

He don't know why but he felt extra tired today. Not to mention he's been feeling not well since early in the morning.

Dang.. am I sick?

This might not be just a simple tiresome feeling.

Pete blows a loud breath before pushing himself up to fix his position in his bed before covering his body with the comforter. He suddenly felt cold. Was the air-conditioner on? Did I forget to turn it off last time?

"Fuck... I'm cold..." Pete mumbled under his breath, his whole body shivering in cold.

And at his worse state, he heard the door of his room twisted open. Seconds later, the familiar scent of Vegas invaded his nostrils as the bastard settled in front of him.

"Pete? What's wrong?" He heard Vegas asked but he's too tired to even open his mouth to answer him.

Vegas reached out his hand to touch Pete's forehead and realized he have a fever because the heat from his body is far from the normal temperature.

"You're sick. You should have stayed inside the house and take a rest! Why did you go out with Tankhun and Macau earlier?" Vegas keeps on talking but Pete couldn't even comprehend what he's blabbering about. His gaze is becoming blurry every passing second.

"You have to change your clothes first." Vegas whispered before sitting on the side of the bed. He tried shaking Pete's body softly to wake him up but Pete only grunted before shoving his hand away weakly.

Vegas blows a loud breath before walking towards the bathroom inside Pete's room. He search for the small basin before filling it with water. Vegas then proceeds to take a white towel before going back to the bed and placed the basin of water on the bedside table. He sat on the side of the bed before gently pulling Pete's body towards him.

He have to wipe his body first to at least help lower his temperature before changing his clothes.

Vegas dipped the towel before squeezing the water off. He then gently started wiping Pete's forehead and face. The latter flinched with the contact of the cold towel against his skin before grunting and pushing his hand away.

"I have to wipe your body first, Pete. Don't be stubborn." Vegas whispered softly before trying to wipe his face down to his neck.

"C-cold..." Pete mumbled under his breath, his voice shivering.

Vegas caressed his hair before holding his hand. "I know, just bare with it for a while."

Vegas carefully take off Pete's upper garment. He was so careful that it feels as if Pete is some sort of a fragile glass that would instantly break if mishandled.

He wiped his body gently even tho Pete keeps struggling and flinching because of the cold.

Vegas stopped what he's doing for a minute to fetch some sleeping wear from Pete's closet.

He decided to pick a black lose sweatshirt and a blue furry-type pajama that he saw inside before going back to the bed.

He carefully put on the sweatshirt and proceeds to unzip Pete's pants.

Vegas blows aloud breath before calming himself. "Bastard! Don't you dare..." He mumbled to himself while trying his best not to look at Pete down there while changing him into a pajama.

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