Chapter 5

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"Nah, it's fine Pete. You don't have to worry! Just forget what happened last night. For sure Khun Vegas doesn't remember it either! I'm sure he already forget about it. It's nothing serious anyways. It could happen sometimes, really.. it's not a big deal." I mumbled to myself as I keep on walking back and forth inside the room. I've been contemplating with myself ever since the moment I opened my eyes until now that I'm done preparing for my first day of work.

I'm actually having a little argument with myself wether I should go out of the room now or just stay here. But I know I eventually have to get out. But I don't wanna see Khun Vegas' face! I know I would just remember what happened last night—ugh! Pete, you bastard! I told you not to think about it anymore! How can you forget about it when you are the one who keeps on repeating that event in your head over and over!

I think I'm finally going crazy like Master Tankhun. This can't be happening! I'm actually talking to myself right now. I'm really in big trouble. And this is all because of that devil!

I was still busy walking back and forth when I suddenly heard a knock from the outside followed by Khun Vegas' voice. "Pete? You awake?"

Holy shit! What should I do?! Should I hide? Fuck! I can't probably hide from him. Ugh! Let's just open the door and let things happen.

I let out a deep breath before opening the door and there I saw him standing looking so good as ever—shit where did that thought came from? Focus on your work Pete!

"Good morning, Khun Vegas." I greeted him as I slightly bowed my head as a sign of respect. I've been doing this a lot while I was serving the major clan.

"Morning. I am appointing you to accompany Macau to his school. Stay with him until he comes back home."

My eyebrows knitted. But I was assigned to guard you and not your brother? Why are you suddenly appointing me to him? I don't wanna be with that evil brat!

"But Boss Korn assigned me to be with you, Khun Vegas. I have to follow his order—"

He quickly cut me off.

"I know. But I can handle myself just fine. Plus, I don't have somewhere to go today aside from my office. I'll just bring some of my men with me while you guard my brother." He said. I badly want to disagree with him but what else can I do aside from obeying his order? I am working for him, means he's my boss now and all I should do is follow his orders.

"Keep my brother safe for me, Pete." Khun Vegas said before tapping my shoulder.

"Yes, sir."

"Oh and by the way, Pete?"

"Yes, Khun Vegas?"

"About last night—"

"I better hurry up and send Khun Macau to school. He might be late if I stayed here any longer. Bye Khun Vegas!" I mumbled even before he could finish what he's supposed to say. I already know what he's trying to talk about and I don't wanna open that topic again that's why I quickly escaped from him by running away outside the house to wait for his brother inside the car.

After settling myself inside the driver's seat, I let out a shaking breath while clutching my chest. "Fuck! That was close..." I whispered before calming myself by taking deep breaths.

Seconds later, the door of the passenger's side opened and Khun Macau entered wearing his school uniform and his backpack hanged on his left shoulder.

"Good morning, Khun Macau." I greeted him and even tried my best to give him a genuine smile as possible. But what do I expect from this brat kid? He just shrugged off my greetings and didn't even bother to look at my direction.

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