Chapter 11

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I woke up with an aching body. It felt like I was hit by a ten wheeler truck especially the lower part, at the back area. Why do I feel so sore—WHAT THE FUCK?!

I opened my eyes in an instant and the moment I saw the unfamiliar room where I am right now, I felt like I was strike by a lightning. Memories from last night slowly went flashing at the back of my mind.

Did I really... Gave in to that bastard?! Holy shit Pete! What have you done?!

I sent back to reality when I felt a hand wrapped around my waist and that's when I realized that I am lying in a bed together with — VEGAS!

I hit my forehead repeatedly because of my stupidity. What the hell is this Pete?! How the hell did you end up sleeping with your fucking boss?

I slowly turn my face to look at his direction and saw him peacefully sleeping while snuggling close to me.

I closed my eyes to calm myself down. I then scanned my body and saw that I'm actually wearing new pajamas that wasn't mine cause I don't remember owning these. Is this perhaps... Vegas' sleeping wear? Did he cleaned me last night? And what happened after 'that'? Did I really passed out?!

The last thing I remember was...cumming twice because this bastard said he wasn't done yet even tho I already keep on begging him to stop cause I can't take it anymore and then after that, I remember passing out.

Damn! Don't judge me! It's not because I have a low stamina. It's only because we went from a mission and my body was already tired as it is and then this bastard just fucked me like there's no tomorrow!

I felt my face heat up just by thinking about what happened last night. I can't believe I actually moaned like that. And how many times I cried out his name like a dog finally going crazy. But who wouldn't?! Even tho I hate this bastard, I won't deny the fact that I did enjoyed what happened last night. I never had anything like that before. And only this man right here had managed to make me feel that way.

I was just starring blankly at the ceiling when I got startled when my phone started ringing from the bedside table.

I tried removing Khun Vegas' arm around my waist but he just ended up snuggling on my neck, still deep in sleep.

I annoyingly rolled my eyes before trying my best to reach out for my phone that has been ringing for quite a while now.

"Damn it! Khun Vegas let go of me first!" I said before removing his arm again but the bastard just grunt and even tightened his embrace around me.


So I ended up scooting over so I can reach for it and this bastard even followed me! What the heck is wrong with him?! Is he a leech or something?

I let out a frustrated breath before looking at the caller ID flashed on the screen and my eyes immediately widened when I saw Khuno's name.

I quickly answered the phone before clearing my throat. "Khuno!" I greeted, trying to act normal.

[Pete! What the hell took you so long to answer your phone?] He immediately nag me. Why is he even calling me early this morning?! And bastard! It wasn't my fault that your cousin right here decided to glue his body on mine!

"Sorry Khuno, I just woke up. Do you need anything?" I'm not working for him right now so why is he bothering me? If he needs anything he should be calling Porsche or Pol and not me!

[What do you mean? Didn't Porsche already told you last night I'm coming over?]

My eyes widened even more.

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