Short Note

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Hello everyone!!

Finally! This VP fanfic has come to an end. After almost 3 months, I managed to finish it. I want to thank each and everyone of you for your support. Your kind words and comments are what's keeping me to continue writing.

We went through a lot this year but we're still holding on. I know we can get through this together!💙🖤

And I hope you would still continue supporting me with my future fics!

After this VP fanfic, I'm planning to write a BBB fanfic "A broken smile". I already published it before but decided to unpublish it since I want to focus first on "Lost in the Fire" fic.

I hope you support it the same way you supported this Fanfic.

Once again, thank you so much everyone 😚

P.S: I put a small spoiler of my next story at the last chapter. Can you guys guess which part?

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