Chapter 28

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Vegas thought his dad has a plan to lock him up inside his room for another day but earlier, one of the bodyguards brought him breakfast and also informed him about a dinner meeting that his dad set up later this evening.

Even tho he didn't ask what kind of dinner it would be and for what reason or purpose, he already have his answer. He's sure as hell that his dad would introduce that woman he wanted for him later.

And Vegas don't like that idea a bit. If only he have a choice right now, he would escape and run away as far away from his father.

But he also knew he couldn't do that. Because he have to think of Macau first. He have to prioritize his brother first before his own self. It's always his brother first before his own safety and happiness. Because as long as Macau is happy, then it's already enough for him.

As long as I can keep Macau safe from that bastard, then I'll be fine. I'll deal with myself later on.

Right now he's alone again inside his room. Still lock up. He'll only get out from here later when his dad asked his bodyguard to open the door for him.

But at least he's already feeling better than yesterday. Vegas almost felt like passing out every minute that would pass without drinking any water and eating anything. But good thing his body already got used to it because before, his dad would constantly starve him to death just because he couldn't reach his expectations set for him.

And sometimes, he would also accept Macau's punishments whenever his dad would discover that his brother failed some of his subjects.

That man is horrible. More inhumane than everyone could ever think off.

Vegas blew a loud breath before messing his already messed up hair.

It has been three days since his dad decided to lock him up here in this hell. Good thing he have some stock water inside his room that's why he haven't been dehydrated and dead yet. It's still better than having nothing at all.

And in that three days, Vegas didn't have any news about Pete. Every passing minute in each day that he's not seeing him is pure torture. Sometimes he would just think of escaping his dad to run away with Pete but he knew he couldn't do that. They couldn't do that. And he's sure as hell Pete won't run away with him. He ain't selfish like him. Pete would choose everyone but him. He's sure of that.

A sad smile appeared on his lips just by thinking about that idea.

Come to think of it.

If Pete would just ask him to come run away with him, leaving everyone behind them and not thinking about anything and just them, he would gladly take his hand and run off with him happily. Without second thoughts or whatsoever. He would forget about everything and anything for him. He would willingly sacrifice everything for him.

But...he's not sure if Pete could actually do the same for him.

"If I ask you right now to run away with me...would you also take my hand and guide my path towards nowhere with just the two of us, would you also leave everything and everyone behind and choose me just like how I'm more than willing to give up my own life for you, Pete?" Vegas mumbled to himself with tears flowing down his cheeks.

Aside from thinking about Pete, Vegas would also constantly cry while talking to himself like he's finally gone crazy.

He can remember it clearly. Five years ago. He managed to survive all the hell he'd been through because of his dad. But now...why does he feel like he can barely live without Pete by his side? Why does he feel like the other part of him is being taken away from him? Like how the moon's light would dim because of the clouds that keeps hindering his light to reach the darkness of the night.

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