Chapter 29

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3rd person

The moment Vegas steps out of the restaurant through the backdoor of the restaurant with the help of his cousin, he immediately saw a man standing few meters away wearing an overall black suit while holding a black hoodie in his hands. The man have a glasses on that's why he quickly recognized him as Arm cause he's the only bodyguard of the major clan who's wearing eyeglasses even if he's on a mission.

The man turned to look at him and when he saw him standing there, Arm instantly ran towards his direction before handing him the hoodie.

"Here Khun Vegas, take it. Khun Kinn told me to guide you all the way to the parking lot to make sure your dad won't see you." Arm said in a formal voice making Vegas grimace in silence. Well, I understand the formalities but does he really have to make it sound like I'm years older? Like he's talking to my father or something?

"Yeah, sure." Vegas mumbled briefly before putting on the hoodie. His cousin surely knows his size cause it fits him just fine.

"This way, Khun Vegas." Arm said before showing him the way. And since he used the backdoor, it became a long way for them towards the parking lot. But Vegas knew he have to be patient. Even tho he badly wanna see Pete already, he have to remind himself constantly to calm down, or else he might ruin his cousin's efforts. And he can't afford to do that. That's literally the least thing he wants right now.

While silently following Arm, the phone of the latter started ringing but before Vegas could even tell him to turn it off, Arm already have the phone up his ear.

"Yeah?" Arm greeted the person on the other line.

Vegas remained silent behind him as he listened to the one sided conversation.

"We're already near. I'm with him." Arm mumbled before glancing at Vegas from behind.

"I know! C'mon Pete! Stop bossing me around. Do you want me to ask Khuno to ruin your night?"

With the mention of that name, Vegas suddenly became so attentive that he didn't noticed he's already beside Arm who's still busy talking to Pete that he failed to notice his proximity towards him just so he can hear Pete's voice.

"Huh? What do you mean? I'm with—" Arm turned to look at him that's why Vegas quickly moved away before their faces switch up. He pretended that he's fixing his hoodie to save himself from embarrassment.

When he slowly turned to look at Arm again, he saw him nodding his head as if he just figured out something.

"Ah...silly me." Arm said before fixing his eyeglasses. He then turn his face in front. "I get it now...huh? Oh nothing. It's nothing, Pete. Just wait for us there. Don't move and just stay put, okay?" Arm said with a hint of chuckle in his voice before ending the call.

He then throw a quick glance at Vegas who'd been silent since earlier. He noticed how the man started acting restless after he mentioned Pete's name earlier while he's on the phone with his friend. It feels like Vegas wanted to ask him something but is stopping himself from doing so.

Arm blows a loud breath before fixing his eyeglasses once again. "You can ask me anything Khun Vegas." Arm stated.

Vegas turned his head to look at him with a questioning look. Great. Khuno is indeed right. Vegas Theerapanyakul—the first born of the minor clan is a great actor. He can really instantly make you believe and manipulate you into believing him. He's also good with playing pretend.

"C'mon! I know you wanna ask about Pete." Arm said.

They're already close to the parking lot but well, they still have some time because they have to wait for the other bodyguards outside that are owned by Kan to leave. Them standing by the place they were told to only means one thing. Khun Kan—Vegas' father—still have no idea that his son is already out here. Ready to escape and run away from him.

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