Chapter 10

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The mission was over but we know Khun Vegas' life is still in danger for a reason that, that Kaiz guy is still alive. That bastard is smart. He knows Vegas wouldn't be the one to receive the products and he probably knows there would be something like this that'll happened. That's why he sent his men rather than going by himself. That only means one thing, I can't still go back to the major clan and would still be stock here with this idiot devil right here. Yeah, idiot but definitely hot devil.

"That Kaiz guy is still off the leash, means he can still come after you or Macau any time he wants." Boss Kinn said as the four of us gathered outside the car he bought with us earlier.

Boss Korn's men is already in the area and are doing a cleaning service because of the mess we made. But at least it was a success.

"It also means Pete still couldn't be able to go back to the major clan." Porsche pointed out making Khun Vegas nod his head enthusiastically. The hell is this bastard doing?

"Uh-huh! That means Pete is still gonna work with me." Khun Vegas exclaimed.

"Yeah right fucker, whatever. Anyways, let's get out of here. I badly wanna wash up already. I stink." Khun Kinn said and I almost hugged him for that. Thank god someone finally said what's inside my head.

"Yeah, let's go."

The four of us hopped inside the car. Since Khun Kinn was already feeling tired, Khun Vegas volunteered to drive us back home.

Khun Kinn sat beside Khun Vegas in the front seat while me and Porsche are at the back seat.

"Hey, Pete." Porsche leaned towards me while whispering as if what he's about to tell me is something confidential.

"What?" I whispered back.

I don't even know why we're talking in a hush tone right now.

"Khuno said he'll visit you tomorrow at Khun Vegas' house."

My eyes actually widened in horror after hearing Porsche's words.

No! Khuno shouldn't be there! Not tomorrow or any other day! It would be a disaster if he's put in the same place with Khun Vegas and Khun Macau! We have to stop him no matter what!

"Porsche! Don't let him get out of the house tomorrow or I'll be in trouble!" I hissed.

I saw Khun Vegas glancing at our direction from the rearview mirror from time to time but I didn't really focused on him because I have some major problem right now.

"What should I do? You know that bastard! He would always find ways to do what he wants. I can't stop him Pete." Porsche said who sounded like he's already given up for a long time.

My shoulder slumped before sighing. "Khuno, plus Khun Macau and Khun Vegas means danger! We have to do anything to stop him! We should think of a plan!" I suggested  but Porsche just flick my forehead as if what I had just said is the stupidest thing ever.

"You still right in the head? You know that stopping that crazy motherfucker is next to impossible, Pete. Just accept your fate." Porsche said before shaking his head.

He's right. There's nothing that could stop Khuno once he already made his decision. I don't know what would happen to me tomorrow if these three crazy bastards that loves making my life miserable meet at one place. It would probably be the end of me.

"You better pray for me then." I said, finally accepting my fate. This is actually easier than convincing Khuno to stop whatever his plan is.

Porsche tapped my shoulder sending me looks of sympathy. "I will man. I will."

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