Chapter 2: Suspicious

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Kion woke up before Rani with a yawn. He didn't wake her up.

Kion layed down next to her, looking at the entrance. Suddenly, Rani jolted awake, and bolted out of the tree. She didn't seem to notice Kion.

Rani threw up outside the tree. Kion followed her. "RANI ARE YOU OK!" Kion shouted. Rani turned to him in panic. "Yea, I-Im fine. Just bad stomach from what I ate last night," Rani stampered. "Nirmala should take a look at you," Kion replied.

"No, I'm fine," Rani replied. Kion raised an eyebrow. Rani was rude to him. Sure before their relationship she was, but when they were, she wasn't. Kion started getting suspicious. He wasn't sure what it was, but he was determined to find out.

Rani and Kion went hunting, but Rani kept tripping, and wasn't walking strait. "Rani I really think you should see Nirmala," Kion said. "I'm fine, let's just hunt," Rani replied.

Rani and Kion were stalking a gazelle. Rani wanted to make the first move, but pain shot through her stomach again.

Kion killed the gazelle instead. He looked at Rani. She was gritting her teeth. He walked over to her. "Rani?" Kion asked.

"I'm fine Kion," Rani said through gritted teeth. "Alright Rani, but I worried for you," Kion said. "Well I'm fine ok," Rani nuzzled

Kion and Rani dragged the gazelle to the tree. Rani started eating. She ate a lot.

Kion was confused on why she was eating more than she normally did, but didn't question it.

Rani and Kion walked into the tree. Rani stopped in her tracks, and groaned. Kion turned around. "Rani?" He asked, "Alright, I let it pass the first couple times, but it's gone to far. I'm forcing you to see Nirmala."

"Kion I'm fine really-" Rani was cut off by Kion pushing her into Nirmala's cave.

"Nirmala, something is wrong it Rani, check on her," Kion ordered. He walked out.

"Nirmala, im fine," Rani said. "If your fine, why is Kion forcing you to see me?" Nirmala asked. "Just please let me go. And if Kion asks, say I'm fine," Rani said. Nirmala nodded.

Rani didn't want Nirmala to check on her, because then she would know Rani was pregnant, and probably tell Kion.

Nirmala told Kion that Rani was fine, and that nothing was wrong. Kion took a sigh of relief.

The king and queen walked into the tree. "Kion, I told you I was fine. Stop worrying about me," Rani said. "I'm you king, and mate. It's my job to worry about you," Kion replied. Rani nuzzled him, and fell asleep in his chest.

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