Chapter 15: This..Isn't..Good

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Rani and Kion walked back. Nirmala, and Nala healed Kovu, so he was up and on his paws again.

"Rani!" Ananda shouted. She ran up an hugged her followed by Kiara. "What happened!" Kiara demanded.

"Koa tried to kill me, then Kion saved me," Rani smiled. Kion licked her cheek.

"I have observed Koa," Kion said, "He doesn't like to attack first. I'm not sure why, but he doesn't. This means we have extra time to prepare." Everyone nodded.

Suddenly, Rani fell to the ground, screaming. "Rani?" Kion asked. Rani kept screaming.

Ananda instantly knew what was happening. "No. No not now!" She shouted. Ananda ran up to her daughter. "Everyone but Nala, leave NOW!" Ananda shouted. No one, but Kiara knew what was happening.

"But I need to help Rani!" Kion argued. Ananda growled at him. "Listen to me now!" She shouted. Kion pinned his ears back, and ran away, following everyone.

Ananda and Nala ran up to Rani. Tears streamed down her face. "She can't be giving birth right now! We're in a war! Nala shouted. "We can focus on that later, right now, we need to help Rani," Ananda said. Nala and Ananda got ready.

Kion had no idea what was going on, and it angered him. "Why can't I help Rani! She's hurt I need to help her!" Kion growled. "Don't worry Kion. Whatever it is, I'm sure Ananda has a reason for forcing you to leave," Simba said. Kion just growled.

Ananda put a gold lioness, and brown male lion next to Rani. Rani nuzzled them. "What are you going to name them?" Nala asked. "Sawa for the gold lioness. Raja for the male," Rani replied.

(Sawa 1 day old, Sawa means, "Swamp, Same")

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(Sawa 1 day old, Sawa means, "Swamp, Same")

(Sawa 1 day old, Sawa means, "Swamp, Same")

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(Raja 1 day old, Raja means, "King")

"I hope Kion accepts them," Rani sighed. "Don't worry, he will," Ananda smiled. She walked over to everyone.

"Kion you are free to see Rani," Ananda said. "What happened! Is she sick?" Kiin asked. "See for yourself," Ananda smiled. Kion dashed to Rani.

Kion slowed down as he approached Rani. She looked fine. As Kion walked up to her, he noticed something in her arms.

Rani looked up at Kion and smiled. "What's going on?" Kion asked. "Kion, before we left here, I was pregnant," Rani said, "Meet our cubs. Sawa and Raja."

Kion stood there, not knowing what to say. "Kion?" Rani asked worried. Kion jumped up and down, and ran around. He shouted with joy.

"I'm a dad!" Kion shouted. He ran up to the little cubs. "Hi Raja, hi Sawa," Kion smiled. He nuzzled them.

"I'm glad your happy," Rani smiled. "Im more than happy Rani," Kion nuzzled her. Kion looked back at the two cubs.

Koa watched from the bushes. "Perfect," He smirked evilly.

Kion and Rani: Peace Brought Us Together (Book 3 Of 3)Where stories live. Discover now