Chapter 4: Koa

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Kion ran into the hideout, followed by Kiara and Rani.

"Who's there!" Fuli shouted. "It's Kion," Kion replied. The Lion Guard sighed and walked out.

"Are you guys ok?" Rani asked. "Yeah fine, just a little shaken up," Ono replied.

The Lion Guard explained to Kion, and Rani what happened.

Koa came into the Pridelands, asking to be the new King. Simba obviously refused, so Koa attacked him, knocking him out. Koa the attacked Nala and Kiara. Kovu tried tried fight him, but Koa overpowered him.

Kovu went flying through the air, and crashed into a rock. There was a loud crack. The rock broke, and Kovu fell to the ground, limp.

Koa grabbed them, and put them in priderock. Then, his whole pride, called the Couquor Pride, came and took over.

Koa had 4 huge male lions guard the royal family. Kiara was skinny enough to escape the back way, and that is how she got out.

Kion growled. "We need to take him down." "And we will, once reinforcements gets here," Rani said. "Ok, but I just want to talk to him, see what he's like in person," Kion growled and walked out.

Rani sighed. She followed Kion, along with Kiara and the Lion Guard.

Kion found Koa in the Lion Guard lair, sleeping on his ledge. Kion growled in anger.

"Koa!" Kion shouted. Koa looked up. "Well well well, who do we have here?" He jumped down and approached Kion. Kiara, Rani and the Lion Guard watched from the outside.

(Koa 25, Koa means, "Warrior or Valient One")

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(Koa 25, Koa means, "Warrior or Valient One")

Kion looked up at the massive lion infront of him, but showed no fear. "What are you doing here, cub," Koa growled. "I'm here to take you down," Kion snarled.

Koa burst into laughter, "Try me." Before Kion could even react, Koa grabbed his scruff, and threw him against a rock. Kion's body went limp, and he fell to the ground.

Rani ran in a grabbed Kion. Koa smirked evilly. "Try me again, and next time he dies."

Rani dragged Kion out of the lair. Everyone stared at him in disbelief.

"We need to heal him, NOW!" Rani shouted. They brought Kion further from Koa, and healed him.

Kion stood up, still in severe pain. "He needs to be stopped," Kion growled. "After reinforcements gets here, like I said. Plus you need to rest," Rani said. Kion sighed as he knew she was right.

Kion layed down, and fell asleep. The lion guard stood around him defensively. Rani layed next to Kion. Kiara sat down and looked at Priderock. She hoped Kovu and her parents were OK.

Kovu coughed as his lungs were damaged from the impact to the rock. Nala and Simba tried their best to help him, but without the proper care, they couldn't. Kovu wasn't going to die, but he can't walk properly untill he gets healed, and his breathing would be difficult.

Nala looked at Simba with worry. Simba looked at the four lions at the entrance. He sighed as there was no other way out than the way Kiara went, and he, Nala, and Kovu wouldn't be able to fit.

Kion and Rani: Peace Brought Us Together (Book 3 Of 3)Where stories live. Discover now